Once a selected individual/household agrees to participate in the pilot, he or she will receive the guarantee that, if their income falls below a threshold determined in the program design, it will be supplemented proportionally to their needs.
The main purpose of a Basic Income Pilot must be to test replacing the broad policing, control, and monitoring now present in Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), with a modestly more generous Basic Income, disbursed automatically to those living beneath a certain income threshold. Will a Basic Income reduce poverty more effectively, encourage work, reduce stigmatization, and produce better health outcomes and better life chances for recipients?
basic income 是人人有份,它可以采取两种形式,Universal Basic Income 和 Negative IncomeTax Program.
Universal basic income 是不管你收入多少,政府先直接支付这笔钱给你,既每人都有这个权利并每人确实都那得到。
而Negative income tax program 则不然,Everyone is eligible,
but not everyone can really get it.他是人人有分,但实际上并非人人都能拿到。即便拿到,由于收入的不同,拿到手的也有区别,而Universal basic income每人拿到手的数目则完全相同。 安省此次推荐采用negative income tax program, 它比 universal basic income 更为复杂。它是政府先假定给每人同样数目的basic income1320x12,然后根据你的收入以及相应的税率,计算出政府应该补给你多少钱(中低收入),然后再实际发放给你相应的数目