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Oops, it's actually illegal. This time sailor is on fire. Hopefully the deletion will happen very soon.

any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act;

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / Weird. How come this one does not look like a touching love story? (#10685407@0) . The writer's writing skills may need to get improved. I am not happy with the moderator,
    and I guess this post will be deleted soon. I didn't start the war, I was put in a war.

    Can moderator delete all the related posts please? Or that's a mission impossible? Why freeze the discussion only? Poor Rolia management team. So sad for Rolia.
    • Does that mean you will keep your kids away from all social media, all TV/radio channels, all movies, all novels, or even all their friends? Otherwise, how can you ensure yourself that your kids are not "contaminated" "morally"? +4
      • Why do you think 朵朵 wants to get it deleted too? She made a big mistake, and she was trying to fix it.
        • That is what you think of what 朵朵 is thinking. .... +2
          • Exactly. +1
          • Ask her please. Your guys please be careful, don't put her on fire and get burned. She will get hurt badly, not you guys. Get it Escalated was not my intention. I didn't start the war. I was fighting with moderator only at this time. +1
            • Why should I bother to ask her? Not interested.....And no need for you to bother to tell me what is your intention and what is not... +3
              Again, not interested......

              I said that only because you were speaking on 朵朵's behalf.....That is rude. It is common courtesy among civilized adults to allow others to speak for themselves.
              • Are you the moderator? Ok, I got it. I quoted your post and that hurts you a little. Please don't stand between be and the moderator. You posted a true story, and you didn't do anything wrong.
                • Don't know what you are talking about.....It was not my post, and you didn't hurt me, not at all........Can you stop assuming and try to make statements basing on evidence?....You are kind of delusional. +2
                  • I am pretty sure you wrote the one I quoted on the main topic. Didn't you? "How come this one does not look like a touching love story? (#10685407@0) . The writer's writing skills may need to get improved."
        • Cause you PMed her in such an indecent manner that she felt forced to do so? +2
    • Is the moderator sleeping? Can the moderator please hear the voice of author and please kindly take the action as per author's request? I will follow up tomorrow, thanks for watching.
      • Oops, it's actually illegal. This time sailor is on fire. Hopefully the deletion will happen very soon.
        any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act;
        • Guys, I am good. Please don't argue with me. child pornography is very serious in Canada. Please understand the law. Thanks
          • Where is it? Please point out, thanks!
            • Please check with the judges. You don't want to put your life and career at risk by just posting at online forums. It's not worth. My advice.
              • I'd say, get over, Sis. Check out this movie and tell us what you are going to do with it...
              • Oops,贾宝玉初试云雨未满十六,曹老人家也违法不?印刷的属传播了吧!那看过的违法不? +1
                • 加拿大图书馆有英语版红楼梦。 +1
        • 你的链接里恰恰明确指出Child porn是以性为目的,详细的具体的性行为描写。一个动词、一个名词,不足以构成child porn。孩子,太晚了,该上床啦!;-) - +1
    • What's the big deal? Get over. +3
    • And if you insist, please ask the authorities to ban this movie... +1
    • 不太明白,梦想是一个很无足轻重的小小的朋友交流的地方,应该绝对没有你感觉的那么重要,那么有影响力吧?在梦想发了一个写作,就可能对整个多伦多华裔社区的孩子有了负面的影响?还会对加拿大的法律产生重创?太抬举高看梦想了吧? +2
      • Rolia is dead already. No souls. Once was a good place, not any more. +1
        • 这位同学早. 不太明白你为什么会这么生气.不是故意问你,是因为实在不知道你在生什么气.就一篇让我们感动的文字? 还是什么别的原因? 如果和你的这个对话可以让你感到好受一些,我可以听你说. +2
          • Rolia management team misbehaved for their own benefits. This is why I feel so sad.
            • 你可以写中文吗?我不太喜欢看英文,我来这儿是为了看中文的.可以吗? 为什么你会这么觉得?就因为你要删除一篇文字,管理的同学没有删除? +1
              • Sorry for my poor English. I will try Chinese later. The owner of the post asked to delete the entire topics. (#10685408@0) But Rolia management team only freeze the discussion for the topic.
                • 我看了一下你们的讨论.我是这么看的.我也认为:人都有发声的权利.你发了你的声音,其它的读者也发了他们的声音,所以,没有谁对谁错.那么,ROLIA的管理者会有他自己的判断.如果要百花齐放,就不能只听一种发声,你说呢?
                • 如果你是ROLIA的管理者,你会怎样做呢?你会只听一个或者两个同学的建议,而无视多数同学的希望吗?你觉得这样做的管理者是一个好的公正合理的管理者吗?你希望ROLIA只有单一一种写作风格吗?你不希望它百花齐放吗?
                  • the opinion of the poster should be respected. Sometimes users post something accidentally exposing too much details in the real life, and want to get it deleted. That's a very normal request from the poster, but Rolia management team just ignored that.
                    • 可是,你不是文字的作者,所以你和我,和大家一样,都只是读者,所以,你不能说你想删除那文字,就一定得删除,因为你不是文字的作者,难道不是? 告诉我,你到底为什么这么受伤?因为文字,还是因为什么别的原因?如果你愿意分享的话。
                      • do you want to probe my privacy? no thanks. just a simple reason here why I am mad. The moderators didn't respect the post owner. This is a very bad sign for the online forums. The moderators can do whatever they want to do. That kills a forum.
                        • 唉, 看你们真累, 人家朵朵自己都不难受, 你就放轻松点吧~~~给自己设定RULE 就行了, 大家都是成年人~~
                          • I am not happy with the moderators. The moderators should either delete all the topics, or do nothing for the topics. Should not to freeze the topic only.
                            • 管理者是成年人,不需要你想担心孩子一样担心他。那么多中文网站,ROLIA有与众不同的地方。为什么? 也许因为版主有自己的判断力,而不只是一个纯粹的IT工作者? 可否对管理者有一些信心呢?
                            • 如果OP 很急切的想删除, 管理员不会KEEP IT~~~你是好心, 但让别人自己判断, 行吗?~~
                              • why freeze the topic, and let people not able to post reply? that's unfair.
                                • 你很固执~~ 希望别人都FOLLOW 你~~
                                  • no. I just hope everyone can follow the rules. especially the moderators.
                                    • 你给管理者PM 吧~~
                                      • not interested any more. Rolia is dead in my opinion. No rules, No reasonable moderators. I will just let it go. Thanks. +1
                                        • 你这是气话呢,不要这么说。你会改变看法的。
                        • 我没有那个意思,我只是想说,我们都是大人了,如果我们要保护孩子们,我们自己首先得有头脑,有分析辨别的嫩能力,而不是分不清:人家原因删贴,还是我们逼迫人家删贴,因为愿意与被迫是不同的。目前为止,我就只看到你不同意那片文字。
                • 我觉得你是一位非常真实的同学,所以,你会生气,发火,并感到受伤。一个认真的有血有肉的读者应该是这样的,所以你是真实的。但是,其它的读者也是真实的,难道不是?他们和你的感受不同,但是他们的感受也同样是应该被尊重的?你说呢?
                  • should we respect the poster? or the Rolia moderators only? That's why I said no souls here.
                    • 如果发文字的同学根本不想大家读她的文字,她第一时间根本就不会发那文字是不是?如果你不PM她,她会被迫要求删贴吗?我们都是大人,也许,我们思考问题的时候不要只看原因,而要看原因背后的原因?我们是大人,不是孩子了?啊?
                      • now I am fighting with moderators only. I am not fighting with her.
                        • 但是版主已经做出了决定,你可以尊重他的决定吧?网上有必要FIGHT吗? 年近半百,年过半百,不应该有更重要的事儿做?而要在网上无味地FIGHT? 孩子们知道了,会不会感到好笑?
                          • Fine. You guys have good time. I will just go.
                            • 不要难过了,都是网友,也想你开心,好吗?为什么你也喜欢ROLIA? 也因为你觉得这里有有血有肉的网友?是不是?你不要生气了?啊?
                • 你每次/反复只提owner要求删帖,怎么不提原因呢?很清楚,要求删帖是因为收到很多谩骂和侮辱的私信。这也明确表达在要求删帖的帖子里了,为什么不提提这个呢?!
      • 我发现大家在谈论轻松话题和表达愉快的时候时多喜欢用擅长的中文,而谈论严肃话题和表达愤怒的时候反而喜欢用不擅长的英语,这是为什么呢?
        • 说明英文很BORING~~~ +1
          • 所以看到英文基本就可以忽略了~ +1
        • 问过-dpt同学,她/他没回答,可能因为没有中文打字软件?以前ROLIA还有在线中文输入,现在改革给改没了。LOL。 荡木君都得用GOOGLE在线输入,还是SAILOR张生介绍的。没办法,改革了,同学们有的只能用愤怒英文了?嘻嘻。
          • 有啊,这个比以前的更好用啊
          • 啦啦英文基本上接近本地,中文更是直逼复旦中文系。我看这里的英文比看本地报刊杂志还要吃力,不知你感觉如何?~
            • 不敢发表任何看法,怕被砸死。在谈天说地发表过看法,我说:来ROLIA拽英文,了不起?结果被打得头破血流。我怕了。:)
              • 好在这里有啦啦罩着,可以乱说一气~
                • 去你的,把我推向刑场。
            • 为啥是复旦中文系?讽刺?
              • 我觉得复旦大学中文系很厉害,历史上郑振铎、田汉、梁实秋等都在那里授过课,李敖的文化之旅第三站也是在复旦。
                • 但是执手同学与SISTER安不这么认为,所以我不信你的话。
                  • 他们怎么说?
                    • 都说我:路很长,中文不地道。我才不会被你的迷魂药灌倒。在ROLIA,你,SISTER安与执手同学是我认定的中文最高级别的主。
            • dpt 转成英文,很明显是要留下formal record
              • 秀秀犀利!~
    • 鬼知道这里到底发生了什么。。
      • 这两天“大凶”,留你施法,我们先躲开
      • 武先生早,请你告诉我,这里发生了什么?或者你希望这里发生了什么?谢谢。
      • 我也是, 云里雾里~~
        • 对了,你是湖北还是湖南的了?我忘了
          • 他们说你是我老乡~~
            • 懂了
              • 老乡见老乡~~~以后别和我对着干了哈~~lol
                • 遵命
      • 吾艾青,敢问这几日天象如何? +1
        • :)他还在梦想破案,估计忙得狠,先给他时间破案吧。不破案,大家心里都不踏实。
        • 启禀主公,微臣这几日忙于追古装剧,未观天象。 +1
          • 不会也开始追桃花了吧?
          • 你必须得破了梦想这个悬案哈。千百双眼珠子盯着呢,需要助手,我们可以提供。需要翻译,不管是德文翻译,还是日文翻译,我们都可以免费提供。破案,群众的呼声很高呢。谢谢。
            • 哈哈,最近又多了德语和日语,更是一头雾水了~
              • :)
              • ROLIA懂德文的同学。1。很有意思同学。2。朵朵同学。3。风轻云淡同学。4。WANTBABY同学。
                • ROLIA懂日文的同学:1。FAN-FAN同学。2。FAN-FAN同学。(画外音:我只会给日文注音,忘了意思。)
          • 敢问何剧如此着迷?
            • 下一步是 古文了?~~
              • 敢,如果全是古文,我撤了。你也别待这儿。LOL。
            • {武先生的梦想天空}? 可能是新的谍战片?
          • 太不务正业了,赶紧穿越回来观天象。小心主公炒你鱿鱼。
            • 最细腻的人类是男生。日本有谷村新司先生,川断康成先生。祖国有徐志摩先生与孤顾城先生。ROLIA有武先生与武先生。期待他对ROLIA的诠释。很期待。