quiet, notably the regeneration braking. Things you can't expect from ICE car. 我第一次试驾Model S的时候对regeneration braking很不习惯。买车两周以后,发现regeneration braking真的好用,油车没法做到这点。好多model S/X的车主包括我多数时间都是one-pedal driving。
Tesla claims that gasoline powered cars are about 11 times more likely to catch fire than a Tesla. It says the best comparison is fires per 1 billion miles driven. It says the 300,000 Teslas on the road have been driven a total of 7.5 billion miles,
and about 40 fires have been reported. That works out to five fires for every billion miles traveled, compared to a rate of 55 fires per billion miles traveled in gasoline cars.
我买之前去做过调查,根据在挪威的经验,modle S 后驱即使上山也没有大问题,tesla在挪威卖了很多,那里又冷又多山
这是从英文论坛摘录的一段:AWD sure will be better than RWD in rain or snow although RWD will still be better than most other cars.
Model S has been a very popular car in Norway since the beginning when only RWD was available. Traction control in an EV has very fast response and work much better than what's in an ICE car. Imo RWD is more than enough especially if you don't have a lot of snow there.