本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛昨天天气热,和夫人到THE BRICK买空调,看中一台GOLDSTAR6000A ,189元,已经和SALES说好给VISA买单了,我夫人随口问了一句:有30天RETURN保证吗?那个印度SALES告诉我们这种夏天的产品,没有公司会提供RETURN的,我们半信半疑,问他是否保证没有任何COMPANY will give such kind of policy.结果他只说,WARLMART,CANADIAN TIRE打开包装就不能退。我一听就来火,当我没买过东西?
随之,这SALES用一种奇怪的笑容,对我们说,Buy it and enjoy it then return it when winter comes, it is a good idea?Right?
我和夫人立刻告诉他,We'll go to Future shop and ask them about the policy. Bye bye.
出门驱车至FUTURE SHOP,PICK UP ONE OF GOLD STAR 5000A,179元,30 RETURN POLICY。这期间越来越后悔刚才没教训一下那个傲慢的SALES,于是看表,8:40PM,离THE BRICK关门还有20分钟,于是把空调放到尾箱,重新回到THE BRICK,找到那个SALES。
那个叫ADPUL的SALES居然偷笑,敢情以为我是到FUTURE SHOP买不到,还不得回来找他?
Hi, may I have your name, please?
Ok, would you apologize for what you have said to us a couple minutes ago?
"What I have said?"
You said...........
"No, I didn't"
May I have your manager.
找到他的经理,一告诉他WHAT THE GUY HAS SAID,the manager said "Oh, it's the wrong way!" However, the manager said he couldn't force the guy to apologize.
I insisted on that and told him I was very angry and felt very uncomfortable. I didn't care what kind of policy they have. I didn't care that there is no refund either. But, I do care what the guy has said!!!
Then, the manager talked with the guy and the guy apologized for the issue.
I told the guy:
"I was a sales person before, I am not a faultfinder. What I am going to is just let you know something. Don't say that to your customer again, NO MORE"
英文虽不好使,我反正憋着一口气,乱说了一通,让人明白就成。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
随之,这SALES用一种奇怪的笑容,对我们说,Buy it and enjoy it then return it when winter comes, it is a good idea?Right?
我和夫人立刻告诉他,We'll go to Future shop and ask them about the policy. Bye bye.
出门驱车至FUTURE SHOP,PICK UP ONE OF GOLD STAR 5000A,179元,30 RETURN POLICY。这期间越来越后悔刚才没教训一下那个傲慢的SALES,于是看表,8:40PM,离THE BRICK关门还有20分钟,于是把空调放到尾箱,重新回到THE BRICK,找到那个SALES。
那个叫ADPUL的SALES居然偷笑,敢情以为我是到FUTURE SHOP买不到,还不得回来找他?
Hi, may I have your name, please?
Ok, would you apologize for what you have said to us a couple minutes ago?
"What I have said?"
You said...........
"No, I didn't"
May I have your manager.
找到他的经理,一告诉他WHAT THE GUY HAS SAID,the manager said "Oh, it's the wrong way!" However, the manager said he couldn't force the guy to apologize.
I insisted on that and told him I was very angry and felt very uncomfortable. I didn't care what kind of policy they have. I didn't care that there is no refund either. But, I do care what the guy has said!!!
Then, the manager talked with the guy and the guy apologized for the issue.
I told the guy:
"I was a sales person before, I am not a faultfinder. What I am going to is just let you know something. Don't say that to your customer again, NO MORE"
英文虽不好使,我反正憋着一口气,乱说了一通,让人明白就成。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net