If you are a salaried employee, you can't claim property tax and mortgage interest. Once you do the math, it may not be more than $400 if you own a home.
(#13574783@0) Last Updated: 2021-3-16 This post has been archived. It cannot be replied.
技术讨论哈,如果你是自住房的,你不能报property tax,如果只能报utility, internet cost, 假设你的home office只占房屋总面积的1/10,1/20,就顶多400,当然如果你买了办公家具可以报,但要算报多少,总之,租房的会比较好。
谢谢Keysi,开这个贴就是技术讨论,欣赏您不带情绪化的参与。proper tax 我不确定。但 home office 1/10, 1/20 一定是少了,厨房,living space Etc 也是shared 的吧?我不确定,的看看2200 表。以2500sf house 算,水电瓦斯,房贷利息,最终一定大大高于400。
If you are a salaried employee, you can't claim property tax and mortgage interest. Once you do the math, it may not be more than $400 if you own a home.
支持鼓励并诚请反馈。但听以前一个同事说,那个表很麻烦,她总弄错,后来就干脆不报了,所以这么多年我也就从来没要过那个表,去年的疫情可以简报,终于可以get little from it啦, 能多买几条丝巾,happy!