“British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday he had warned Ukraine that its international allies were "not Amazon" and Kyiv needed to show gratitude for weapons donations to persuade Western politicians to give more.”,
(#15546926@0) Last Updated: 2023-7-12 This post has been archived. It cannot be replied.
Volodymyr Zelensky may or may not be a Rolling Stones fan - but after this Nato summit, he is probably familiar with their song entitled You Can't Always Get What You Want.
President Zelensky wants assurances Ukraine will join Nato after the war, but members chose strategic caution.
British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday he had warned Ukraine that its international allies were "not Amazon" and Kyiv needed to show gratitude for weapons donations to persuade Western politicians to give more.
“British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday he had warned Ukraine that its international allies were "not Amazon" and Kyiv needed to show gratitude for weapons donations to persuade Western politicians to give more.”,