Israel conducts ‘targeted raid’ inside Gaza in ‘next step of combat’
The Israeli military carried out its first significant incursion into the Gaza strip sending in tanks and special forces. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net...
这次我支持你!这位老人是奥斯威辛集中营幸存者,父母都死于集中营,他谴责以色列还不如德国纳粹,“German hatred of Jews was less deeply grounded than Israeli-Jewish hatred of Palestinians”
又胡扯了,联合国人权报告早就通过大量事实揭穿了这个谎言,报告指出“Palestinians have meaningful control over their lives in the West Bank and Gaza”这种事并不存在,西岸和加沙都是一塌糊涂,不知道就说不知道,别想当然好吧