300D is for dummies, thus it is sometimes very frustrating to get the right exposure as you have no control on the metering mode. So I just have to try it, see the results and adjust the exposure compensation accordingly. I usually go by 1/3 or 2/3 stop depends on how much overexposure/underexpusure it gets.
The good thing about DSLR is that you can get maximumly 2 stop brackets by shooting in Raw. The bad thing about it is that you may lose the good habit of trying to get the RIGHT exposure everytime you shoot. Eventualy when you switch back to film camera, you are in big trouble.
The good thing about DSLR is that you can get maximumly 2 stop brackets by shooting in Raw. The bad thing about it is that you may lose the good habit of trying to get the RIGHT exposure everytime you shoot. Eventualy when you switch back to film camera, you are in big trouble.