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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.) This telegram was sent to Leonard Bernstein from Yonkers, New York on January 18, 1958, the day he led his first New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert ("What Does Music Mean?").


2.) This letter was sent to Bernstein on March 8, 1958 from an eleven year-old violin student in Connecticut (following the New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert titled "What is Orchestration?").

"Dear Mr. Bernstein,

". . . I have watched all three of the Young People's Concerts up to the present date. I like them very much and think that you did a very nice job conducting it.

"I guess I am just any boy who plays and instrument that wants to get all the praise for doing it nicely without practicing. I do practice but I do it more willingly after I watch your program.

". . . This has nothing to do with music but one thing that we have in common at the present time is that our hair goes over our foreheads and we have to keep pushing it in place. . . ."

3.) This letter was sent to Bernstein on March 10, 1958 from an elementary school student (following the New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert titled "What is Orchestration?").

"Dear Mr. Bernstein:

"Please play the tune of Peter and the Wolf again. I like your program and I like the tunes very much. And the next time use your baton."

4.) This letter was written to Leonard Bernstein from a mother in Maine on February 1, 1958, the date of the second New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert broadcast (titled "What Makes Music American?").

"Dear Mr. Bernstein:

". . . For the second time my family and I have completely enjoyed your `Young People's Concert' - more than enjoyed it, in fact; we have been completely spell-bound - and might have watched and listened for many hours more.

"I want to say that after thirty years of enjoying music I, myself, now feel I know a bit more about why music is so enjoyable and I have grown to appreciate modern American music -- something a classically trained person sometimes struggles with. I am so thankful that my children -- four of them -- ranging in age from four to ten -- can start their musical appreciation with such a real, unstereotyped, imaginative, explanation of its value. I want to thank you, so very much for all that you are giving the American people -- I am so thankful that there are people like you who will open your mind to the medium of television -- and hope that we will be able to see more and more of you and your orchestra in the future."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 我很喜欢数学,能让人显得很有智慧的说,不过屡研究屡败,乃至于现在算个简单的乘法都困难。这解释了为什么我还在古典乐窗前晃悠。 -x888(我可不敢刷网了); 10:51 (#2569724)Reply
    • 38大哥别找借口。唯一的解释就是您还没看伯恩斯坦青年音乐会系列。;-)
      • 我原本也在古典乐窗前晃悠来着。直到~~~~~~这个周末我看过伯恩斯坦解说的What Does Music Mean?和What Is Orchestration?之后~~~~~~窗门忽然为我打开,
        • 我的有如Gregory Peck般英俊的伯恩斯坦拿块糖,非常和霭可亲地邀我入concert hall去参加他给小朋友们安排的游戏~~~~~~不知不觉地,我发现自己已经在古典音乐的大门里了!!!
          • 难以置信间最多的是释然:音乐原本就是非常邀约的嘛!!!!!!
            • #2568126
        • What Is American Music?我也看了,长了知识。我也注意到在这个1958年的音乐会上,伯恩斯坦用了很多次"Negro"这个字。
      • 对了,我少写了一个“少”字。这个音乐会实际上叫做伯恩斯坦青少年音乐会。这里的concert-goer大多都是公主殿下左右的年龄。If they can understand, we can understand! ;-)
      • 下面等着要看的是:
        • What Makes Music Symphonic?
        • What is Classical Music?
        • Humor in Music
        • What is a Concerto?
        • Who is Gustav Mahler?
        • Folk Music in the Concert Hall
        • What is Impressionism?
        • Happy Birthday, Igor Stravinsky
        • What is a Melody?
        • The Latin American Spirit
        • Jazz in the Concert Hall
        • What is Sonata Form?
        • A Tribute to Sibelius
        • Musical Atoms: A Study of Intervals
        • The Sound of an Orchestra
        • A Birthday Tribute to Shostakovich
        • What is a Mode?
        • A Toast to Vienna in 3/4 Time
        • Quiz-Concert: How Musical Are You?
        • Berlioz Takes a Trip
        • Two Ballet Birds
        • Fidelio: A Celebration of Life
    • 飞速地成为音乐美学专家了."-)))
      • ;-) 伯恩斯坦青少年音乐会是1958年到1973年间,著名指挥家兼作曲家Leonard Bernstein带领纽约爱乐以music-with-commentary形式给青少年所做的一系列音乐普及音乐会。
        • 伯恩斯坦的讲解语言浅显易懂、生动有趣。每讲到一声、一调、一曲,更会让乐队来演示给青少年听众。想想不会把小朋友们闷着的音乐会该是多么有趣呀!
          • 得。俺在这也吹得差不多了。该给我有孩子的朋友们鼓吹伯恩斯坦青少年音乐会系列是多么适合一家人观看了。;-)
        • 参考资料:伯恩斯坦网站上关于青少年音乐会的section "For Young People".
          • 伯恩斯坦在音乐会系列上的所有讲解词网站上都有完整收录。
            • 几个小大朋友在听过音乐会之后写给伯恩斯坦的信和电报:
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.) This telegram was sent to Leonard Bernstein from Yonkers, New York on January 18, 1958, the day he led his first New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert ("What Does Music Mean?").


              2.) This letter was sent to Bernstein on March 8, 1958 from an eleven year-old violin student in Connecticut (following the New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert titled "What is Orchestration?").

              "Dear Mr. Bernstein,

              ". . . I have watched all three of the Young People's Concerts up to the present date. I like them very much and think that you did a very nice job conducting it.

              "I guess I am just any boy who plays and instrument that wants to get all the praise for doing it nicely without practicing. I do practice but I do it more willingly after I watch your program.

              ". . . This has nothing to do with music but one thing that we have in common at the present time is that our hair goes over our foreheads and we have to keep pushing it in place. . . ."

              3.) This letter was sent to Bernstein on March 10, 1958 from an elementary school student (following the New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert titled "What is Orchestration?").

              "Dear Mr. Bernstein:

              "Please play the tune of Peter and the Wolf again. I like your program and I like the tunes very much. And the next time use your baton."

              4.) This letter was written to Leonard Bernstein from a mother in Maine on February 1, 1958, the date of the second New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert broadcast (titled "What Makes Music American?").

              "Dear Mr. Bernstein:

              ". . . For the second time my family and I have completely enjoyed your `Young People's Concert' - more than enjoyed it, in fact; we have been completely spell-bound - and might have watched and listened for many hours more.

              "I want to say that after thirty years of enjoying music I, myself, now feel I know a bit more about why music is so enjoyable and I have grown to appreciate modern American music -- something a classically trained person sometimes struggles with. I am so thankful that my children -- four of them -- ranging in age from four to ten -- can start their musical appreciation with such a real, unstereotyped, imaginative, explanation of its value. I want to thank you, so very much for all that you are giving the American people -- I am so thankful that there are people like you who will open your mind to the medium of television -- and hope that we will be able to see more and more of you and your orchestra in the future."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 妈呀, 要学这么多东西先, 这样的痛苦和将来换来的快乐正好抵消. 等我琢磨琢磨有没有不用学, 天生就喜欢的,......我数,.....我数,...............................有了
      • “学”字 is a whole misleading word!对我们这些(古典)音乐乐盲来说,要的是"exposure", "exposure", "exposure", and "exposure"!!!把“学”字先扔一边儿,答应我先看过伯恩斯坦青少年音乐会的What Does Music Mean?
        • 看过之后我就给你说喜欢不喜欢的权力,好不好?乖,啊!;-)
          • 妈呀, 我得找得出半个小时空档才行啊.上完班儿就是孩子作业, 带孩子上各种课, 空下来刚好看偶像剧, 肥皂剧. 你以为咱都是几百年前的人, 回到家反正也出不去没就欣赏个古典. 现代社会, 快餐不可避免, 古典没有生存空间呐.
            • 和女儿一起看,可以边看边给她讲,她一定会喜欢的,特别是前面的,有孩子熟悉的曲子。
            • “上完班儿就是孩子作业, 带孩子上各种课”。。。。。典型的中国式家长,出了国思想还是国内那一套,恶毒啊~~ 孩子的未来都是这么给毁的~~
              • 说的好!
              • 说说看,怎么毁的?不毁应该怎么做?