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为什么是《Go West》?

煮了点饺子吃,正赶上葡萄牙和伊朗队的比赛踢完,足球场上回荡起一首很好听的曲子,挺耳熟。 平客在一旁大叫:“瓦靠,这不是Pet Shop Boys的《Go West》嘛?太牛鼻了,太牛鼻了。当年我在朋友 家看见那支MV,大概是苏联解体之后吧,从MTV上看到这首歌的MV.画面真的很讽刺,列宁挥着大手,年轻人 穿着苏式军装,而唱的确是GO WEST,GO WEST,心里那种说不上是信仰的东西开始动摇,越来越怀疑,越来越 不清楚道路该如何走.呵呵,现在倒是走过来了,物质生活也富足了,可就独缺了一种精神还有当时怀疑一 切,探索一切的态度.

但是一直纳闷,为什么是《Go West》?要说西方国家和伊朗踢比赛放这歌,可能还有点“和平演变”的 意思。要是场场放,又是为什么呢?
  作为一个有考据癖的理科生,我去搜索了一下,在BBC网站上看见了一张多少沾点儿边的网页。里面 有这么一段:

Schlachtengesänge (**) Football chants Lit. Battle songs. As in Steh auf, wenn du für Deutschland bist (*) "Get up if you're supporting Germany", sung to the melody of "Go West" by the Pet Shop Boys.
  终于搞明白了。原来是德国人把《Go West》的旋律哼哼成了他们的足球啦啦歌:“起来,如果你支 持德国”。而且还发现了一张页面。“日本代表応援歌”是什么意思呢?是不是说这也是日本队的啦啦歌? 看来这支歌还不是德国专利。
The song "Go West" by the Village People provides the melody for the common chant "You're shit, and you know you are" and many, many others, including more specialised chants such as "One nil, to the Arsenal" (which popularised the usage of "Go West" in English football), "Go West Bromwich Albion" and "Posh Spice takes it up the arse", made famous when Victoria Beckham mentioned it in her autobiography as an example of the less-than-warm welcome shown to her by fans of her new husband's team, Manchester United.
  至于为什么这首歌听着耳熟,想了半天,原来我曾经买过《Very》那张专辑。我买过的第一张打口 碟就是Pet Shop Boys的《Alternative》
在北京,如果去超市、家具城逛,到下班的时候,广播里会播放啃你鸡的名曲《回家》,播音员在悠扬 的萨克斯乐曲中会用一种亲切的声音告诉你,我们该收工了,你该回家吃饭了。所以,《回家》在中国 北京就成了送客曲,很人性化的,比起过去那些比较粗暴的轰人方式,文明了许多,只是啃你鸡同学并 未因此拿到一分钱版税。
这次看世界杯,我发现,德国人开始用很人性化的方式送客,都说德国人古板,其实有时候也很感性。 我不记得过去世界杯比赛结束后是否播放歌曲。这次,德国人选择的送客曲既不是主题歌也不是足球歌 曲,而是《Go West》,这首歌70年代由迪斯科组合“Village People”唱红,在90年代初期又被“宠物店 男孩”再次唱红。现在又被用在世界杯的赛场上。
“宠物店男孩”翻唱这首歌的背景是东欧解体之后,东欧社会主义国家纷纷“回到”西方阵营,标志性事件 是柏林墙倒塌,这是一个经历了半个多世纪人类发展史上的笑话,非弄出个什么社会主义,于是就弄出 了两个阵营,弄来弄去,才发现社会主义不过是用残暴的方式来解释马克思主义,相比之下,还是西方 的社会制度科学一些。这首歌很容易让人联想到当时的政治背景。
过去,在苏联流行一个笑话:“共产主义到底是艺术还是科学?”主持人说:“我也不清楚,但我肯定不是 科学。” “为什么?” “如果是科学的话,他们应该拿狗做试验。”其实不管是拿人还是拿狗作实验,结论 都很清楚了。随着社会主义的轰然倒塌,东欧人明白了一点,回到西方是正路。
90年代版本的《Go West》这首歌到底有什么寓意?大家可以自己去理解,一种观点认为,这是对东欧解 体的幸灾乐祸;一种观点认为,这是对社会主义的嘲讽;还有一种观点,大概就是人类总喜欢随大流, 把到西方去当成了一种时尚潮流,逃离可恶的社会主义至少表明一种身份。不过,“Go West”还有一层字 面意思,就是我们常说的“上西天”。“宠物店男孩”毕竟不是一个很政治性的组合,当时翻唱这首歌,用 意也是点到为止。
多年前,当我看到这首歌的MV上出现列宁同志挥着大手的画面,不禁有点心酸,社会主义啊,就他娘的 这么完蛋了。现在,每次看完比赛,听到这首歌在在CCTV五套节目中回荡,这又是件多么好玩的事情啊 。
GO WEST多年来在中国的媒体上一直是禁歌,电台电视台都不许放。 不管它原本是什么意思,在敏感的时期它确实被政治化了。
我不知道,德国人在送客的时候播放这首歌曲意味着什么,以此来炫耀西方足球的强大还是仅仅是一种 点缀?还是想告诉亚非拉的球员,来欧洲踢球吧,你看——
Come on, come on, come on, come on (Together) We will go our way
(Together) We will leave someday
(Together) Your hand in my hands
(Together) We will make our plans (Together) We will fly so high
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
(Together) We will start life new
(Together) This is what we'll do   (Go West) Life is peaceful there
   (Go West) In the open air
   (Go West) Where the skies are blue
   (Go West) This is what we're gonna do (Go West, this is what
we're gonna do, Go West) (Together) We will love the beach
(Together) We will learn and teach
(Together) Change our pace of life
(Together) We will work and strive (I love you) I know you love me
(I want you) How could I disagree?
(So that's why) I make no protest
(When you say) You will do the rest    (Go West) Life is peaceful there
   (Go West) In the open air
   (Go West) Baby you and me    (Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)    (Go West) Sun in wintertime
   (Go West) We will do just fine
   (Go West) Where the skies are blue
   (Go West, this is what we're gonna do)
There where the air is free
We'll be (We'll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)
Now if we make a stand (Aah)
We'll find (We'll find) our promised land (Aah) (I know that) There are many ways
(To live there) In the sun or shade
(Together) We will find a place
(To settle) Where there's so much space (Without rush) And the pace back east
(The hustling) Rustling just to feed
(I know I'm) Ready to leave too
(So that's what) We are gonna do   
(What we're gonna do is)
   Go West) Life is peaceful there
   (Go West) There in the open air
   (Go West) Where the skies are blue
   (Go West) This is what we're gonna do  
 (Life is peaceful there)    Go West (In the open air)
   Go West (Baby, you and me)
   Go West (This is our destiny)
Come on, come on, come on, come on
(Go West) Sun in wintertime
   (Go West) We will feel just fine
   (Go West) Where the skies are blue
   (Go West) This is what we're gonna do
(Come on, come on, come on)
   (Go West) (Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')

其实这次世界杯,它的词被全改了,德国世界杯每场比赛的结尾曲是《Stand Up》,只是借用《Go West》的旋律.
曲名:Stand Up (Champions’Theme)
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
together we will rise again
together we will play the game
together we will want to sing
togerher winner is the only aim
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
together none forever more
together it’s like never before
together what’s be flying for
together all the nations rolls
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
we will keep for fine to the end (the end)
all of you to be
i know we will defente no one (no one)
we will stand up the destiny
(forever) we will call this name
(as never) let’s a glory fair
(remember) for reaching a team
(together) we will make on stray
all we gonna go on stay
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
stand up…


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 为什么是《Go West》?
    煮了点饺子吃,正赶上葡萄牙和伊朗队的比赛踢完,足球场上回荡起一首很好听的曲子,挺耳熟。 平客在一旁大叫:“瓦靠,这不是Pet Shop Boys的《Go West》嘛?太牛鼻了,太牛鼻了。当年我在朋友 家看见那支MV,大概是苏联解体之后吧,从MTV上看到这首歌的MV.画面真的很讽刺,列宁挥着大手,年轻人 穿着苏式军装,而唱的确是GO WEST,GO WEST,心里那种说不上是信仰的东西开始动摇,越来越怀疑,越来越 不清楚道路该如何走.呵呵,现在倒是走过来了,物质生活也富足了,可就独缺了一种精神还有当时怀疑一 切,探索一切的态度.

    但是一直纳闷,为什么是《Go West》?要说西方国家和伊朗踢比赛放这歌,可能还有点“和平演变”的 意思。要是场场放,又是为什么呢?
      作为一个有考据癖的理科生,我去搜索了一下,在BBC网站上看见了一张多少沾点儿边的网页。里面 有这么一段:

    Schlachtengesänge (**) Football chants Lit. Battle songs. As in Steh auf, wenn du für Deutschland bist (*) "Get up if you're supporting Germany", sung to the melody of "Go West" by the Pet Shop Boys.
      终于搞明白了。原来是德国人把《Go West》的旋律哼哼成了他们的足球啦啦歌:“起来,如果你支 持德国”。而且还发现了一张页面。“日本代表応援歌”是什么意思呢?是不是说这也是日本队的啦啦歌? 看来这支歌还不是德国专利。
    The song "Go West" by the Village People provides the melody for the common chant "You're shit, and you know you are" and many, many others, including more specialised chants such as "One nil, to the Arsenal" (which popularised the usage of "Go West" in English football), "Go West Bromwich Albion" and "Posh Spice takes it up the arse", made famous when Victoria Beckham mentioned it in her autobiography as an example of the less-than-warm welcome shown to her by fans of her new husband's team, Manchester United.
      至于为什么这首歌听着耳熟,想了半天,原来我曾经买过《Very》那张专辑。我买过的第一张打口 碟就是Pet Shop Boys的《Alternative》
    在北京,如果去超市、家具城逛,到下班的时候,广播里会播放啃你鸡的名曲《回家》,播音员在悠扬 的萨克斯乐曲中会用一种亲切的声音告诉你,我们该收工了,你该回家吃饭了。所以,《回家》在中国 北京就成了送客曲,很人性化的,比起过去那些比较粗暴的轰人方式,文明了许多,只是啃你鸡同学并 未因此拿到一分钱版税。
    这次看世界杯,我发现,德国人开始用很人性化的方式送客,都说德国人古板,其实有时候也很感性。 我不记得过去世界杯比赛结束后是否播放歌曲。这次,德国人选择的送客曲既不是主题歌也不是足球歌 曲,而是《Go West》,这首歌70年代由迪斯科组合“Village People”唱红,在90年代初期又被“宠物店 男孩”再次唱红。现在又被用在世界杯的赛场上。
    “宠物店男孩”翻唱这首歌的背景是东欧解体之后,东欧社会主义国家纷纷“回到”西方阵营,标志性事件 是柏林墙倒塌,这是一个经历了半个多世纪人类发展史上的笑话,非弄出个什么社会主义,于是就弄出 了两个阵营,弄来弄去,才发现社会主义不过是用残暴的方式来解释马克思主义,相比之下,还是西方 的社会制度科学一些。这首歌很容易让人联想到当时的政治背景。
    过去,在苏联流行一个笑话:“共产主义到底是艺术还是科学?”主持人说:“我也不清楚,但我肯定不是 科学。” “为什么?” “如果是科学的话,他们应该拿狗做试验。”其实不管是拿人还是拿狗作实验,结论 都很清楚了。随着社会主义的轰然倒塌,东欧人明白了一点,回到西方是正路。
    90年代版本的《Go West》这首歌到底有什么寓意?大家可以自己去理解,一种观点认为,这是对东欧解 体的幸灾乐祸;一种观点认为,这是对社会主义的嘲讽;还有一种观点,大概就是人类总喜欢随大流, 把到西方去当成了一种时尚潮流,逃离可恶的社会主义至少表明一种身份。不过,“Go West”还有一层字 面意思,就是我们常说的“上西天”。“宠物店男孩”毕竟不是一个很政治性的组合,当时翻唱这首歌,用 意也是点到为止。
    多年前,当我看到这首歌的MV上出现列宁同志挥着大手的画面,不禁有点心酸,社会主义啊,就他娘的 这么完蛋了。现在,每次看完比赛,听到这首歌在在CCTV五套节目中回荡,这又是件多么好玩的事情啊 。
    GO WEST多年来在中国的媒体上一直是禁歌,电台电视台都不许放。 不管它原本是什么意思,在敏感的时期它确实被政治化了。
    我不知道,德国人在送客的时候播放这首歌曲意味着什么,以此来炫耀西方足球的强大还是仅仅是一种 点缀?还是想告诉亚非拉的球员,来欧洲踢球吧,你看——
    Come on, come on, come on, come on (Together) We will go our way
    (Together) We will leave someday
    (Together) Your hand in my hands
    (Together) We will make our plans (Together) We will fly so high
    (Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
    (Together) We will start life new
    (Together) This is what we'll do   (Go West) Life is peaceful there
       (Go West) In the open air
       (Go West) Where the skies are blue
       (Go West) This is what we're gonna do (Go West, this is what
    we're gonna do, Go West) (Together) We will love the beach
    (Together) We will learn and teach
    (Together) Change our pace of life
    (Together) We will work and strive (I love you) I know you love me
    (I want you) How could I disagree?
    (So that's why) I make no protest
    (When you say) You will do the rest    (Go West) Life is peaceful there
       (Go West) In the open air
       (Go West) Baby you and me    (Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)    (Go West) Sun in wintertime
       (Go West) We will do just fine
       (Go West) Where the skies are blue
       (Go West, this is what we're gonna do)
    There where the air is free
    We'll be (We'll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)
    Now if we make a stand (Aah)
    We'll find (We'll find) our promised land (Aah) (I know that) There are many ways
    (To live there) In the sun or shade
    (Together) We will find a place
    (To settle) Where there's so much space (Without rush) And the pace back east
    (The hustling) Rustling just to feed
    (I know I'm) Ready to leave too
    (So that's what) We are gonna do   
    (What we're gonna do is)
       Go West) Life is peaceful there
       (Go West) There in the open air
       (Go West) Where the skies are blue
       (Go West) This is what we're gonna do  
     (Life is peaceful there)    Go West (In the open air)
       Go West (Baby, you and me)
       Go West (This is our destiny)
    Come on, come on, come on, come on
    (Go West) Sun in wintertime
       (Go West) We will feel just fine
       (Go West) Where the skies are blue
       (Go West) This is what we're gonna do
    (Come on, come on, come on)
       (Go West) (Go West)
    (Go, ooh, go, yeah)
    (Go West)
    (Go, ooh, go, yeah)
    (Go West)
    (Go, ooh, go, yeah)
    (Go West)
    (Go, ooh, go, yeah)
    (Gimme a feelin')
    (Gimme a feelin')
    (Go West)
    (Gimme a feelin')
    (Gimme a feelin')
    (Go West)
    (Gimme a feelin')
    (Gimme a feelin')

    其实这次世界杯,它的词被全改了,德国世界杯每场比赛的结尾曲是《Stand Up》,只是借用《Go West》的旋律.
    曲名:Stand Up (Champions’Theme)
    stand up for the champions
    stand up for the champions
    stand up we will over come
    stand up we will be the number one
    together we will rise again
    together we will play the game
    together we will want to sing
    togerher winner is the only aim
    stand up for the champions
    stand up for the champions
    stand up we will over come
    stand up we will be the number one
    together none forever more
    together it’s like never before
    together what’s be flying for
    together all the nations rolls
    stand up for the champions
    stand up for the champions
    stand up we will over come
    stand up we will be the number one
    we will keep for fine to the end (the end)
    all of you to be
    i know we will defente no one (no one)
    we will stand up the destiny
    (forever) we will call this name
    (as never) let’s a glory fair
    (remember) for reaching a team
    (together) we will make on stray
    all we gonna go on stay
    stand up for the champions
    stand up for the champions
    stand up we will over come
    stand up we will be the number one
    stand up for the champions
    stand up for the champions
    stand up we will over come
    stand up we will be the number one
    stand up…

    • complain........can't play. :-)
      • 按了play吗?
        • it is greyed out............and yes I still tried. lol.
        • 我一开始也不能播, 按了stop之后再点play就可以了.
    • 瓦靠! 混不下去了,混不下去了,谁都上来玩把深度!
      • 我昨天看完德国队和意大利,看到德国小伙流泪,观众在唱这首歌,很是感动了一把,把自己在网上研究心得整理一下,终于有了久违的发贴欲,也以此证明什么才是世界杯的超级球迷,哼哼.
        • 超级球迷还在这发帖, 中场休息已完了.
        • 是从此就又有了发贴欲?还是世界杯过后又没了?
          • 你一喊,全和跑了
      • :)))))))))))))
    • 我喜欢village ppl的版本,为此专门买他们CD一张
      • 嗯,Village People的Y.M.C.A,每次听到都想活动筋骨。。。
    • 当年在Disco舞厅中,经常放这首曲子。。。
    • 辑毒感谢!!找了好久久没找到。。。还有没有片头曲捏??
      • 马儿学弟不知要的是哪首?研究中....放狗中.....
    • 卡, 会达golf的和不会打golf的,写出来的东西就不一样, 好文,
      • 大师过奖了,我全是抄来的...再加上小资怎能不跃在浪尖上呢?哈哈.
        • “小资要浪在浪尖上”Wow! 这样高的境界,俺怎么就没有呢?仰视你!掏个小本本记下来。then the song should be《Go West, Go Wave》。。。:-)
          • 多谢可以大师点评,还有一点不知你注意到没有,这首歌从DISCO翻成美声,一样过瘾,这样的曲子好象不多见哟.是跃在浪尖,不是浪,一字之差呀.......
            • Disco版本与美声版本有共同的迷人之处,1. 一样动人的旋律,2. 一样分明的节奏,3. 一样雄壮的男声伴唱。美声独唱比Disco版本的独唱更抒情。。。
    • Good. I like both of them.
    • ^
    • ★★★★★
      • 是文还是歌?
        • 一个有考据癖的理科生
          • 哈! 是我哥们。
            • 哟,那是我撞上牛群了!
              • 您就是冯巩?
    • 呵呵,挂在乐韵书香的政治经济题.
    • 是老歌就顶!