舒伯特《冬之旅》是作曲家根据米勒的24 首诗写成,它描述一个孤独的失恋者在冬日里旅行的感受 ;实际上是一种从孤独到死亡的内心历程;
全曲弥漫着舒伯特式的忧虑和挚诚-------因为没有了希望,所以也没有了失望,只有冬日里无尽止的行走,已没有大喜大悲的情绪; 因为没有归途,所以死亡也是一种慰籍,有的只是一种深深的孤独和无奈,以及对往日的幻想与怅然;
The organ-grinder
There outside the village stands an organ-grinder
and with numb fingers he plays as best he can.
Barefoot on the ice he sways to and fro,
and his small plate stays ever empty.
No one wants to hear him,no one looks at him,
and the dogs snarl all around the old man.
And he lets it all go by,everything as it will,
he plays, and never is his barrel-organ still.
Strange old man,Should I go with you?
Will you turn your organ to my songs?