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Policing in Canada...something you might want to know.

RCMP's predecessor was NWMP (North-West Mounted Police), and was then awarded "Royal" title by King Edward VII of England in 1904. Later it was renamed as RCMP.

RCMP is Canada's natinal police force, and also acts as provincial police, under contract, in all other provinces and territeries EXCEPT Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland, where they have their own police forces - the Ontario Provincial Police, La Surede du Quebec, and Roayl Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) respectively. RNC only provides policing to large cities of Newfoundland and Labrador, while RCMP polices all other communities in the province.

That's why you have to report to RCMP for car thefts in BC, but to "local" police in Ontario.

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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 车被偷的经历
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛把本人车被偷后的经历告诉大家, 下回谁有同样的经历可以借鉴.

    时间: 2001年最后一个月的一个漆黑的傍晚.

    前后不到一个小时, 从MALL里出来就找不到车了, 以前也有想同的经历, 但都是因为记错了停车的地点. 直到发现地上的碎玻璃后才意识到车是真的被偷了. 心里一阵狂喜. (为什么下面解释). 然后就找SECURITY GUARD, 让他纪录现场的情况, 做WITNESS. 给RCMP 写报告. 接着给RCMP打电话报案, 然后RCMP给了一个 FILE NUMBER. 再给ICBC(保险公司) 打电话报案. 由得到了一个CLAIM NUMBER.并和ICBC约好时间面谈. 最后ICBC说你可以去租车, 租车的钱ICBC付(因为本人买了此项保险) 还说如果警察晚上或周末打电话给通知你车找到了, 你要自己告诉ICBC. 当时就挺纳闷, 警察会怎么快找到车吗? 给朋友打电话让他来接我, 朋友说了句 “丢了就怕被找回来” 让我狂喜的心凉了半截. 我的车买了全赔的保险, 就是说一旦被偷或全毁, 保险公司要把我当时买车的钱带税全部赔我.而不是按折旧赔付. 我可以买新车了. 回家后就翻报纸看新车广告, 做起了买新车的美梦. 还不到2个小时, RCMP的电话打碎了我的美梦. 警察找到了我的车, 玻璃碎了, 点火器坏了. 等等. 坏小子们就是不礼貌地借了我的车粗暴地用了一次.心里那个恨啊, 这警察的效率也太高了吧. 没办法, 只好再打电话通知ICBC, 问下面怎么办. ICBC说反正车也不能开了, 你就去CLAIM CENTER 面谈吧. 第二天先去租车, 运气很好, 居然租了个VAN(40元/天). 告诉租车行你的CLAIM NUMBER后租车行直接向ICBC收钱. 再去CLAIM CENTER面谈. 主要是问问车的情况和当时被偷时的情况, 出了一份报告, 让我签字, 然后让我自己选一个修车厂, ICBC负责把车拖去修理. 到现在车还没被修好哪. 想想真是倒霉, 买新车的计划又要无限期推后了.
    1. 发现车被偷后最好先找SECURITY GUARD或停车场或商场的人做WITNESS.
    2. 先报RCMP, 得到FILE NUMBER.
    4. 最好买租车的保险.
    5. ICBC要过30天才理赔.
    6. 别指望车不被找回来, 除非是名车. 别做买新车的美梦.
    7. 车里别放贵重东西. (本人一付名牌眼镜没了)

    希望对大家有用.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有用.
    • 有用
    • What is RCMP?
      • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    • What does RCMP mean?
      • 皇家骑警。在加拿大的地位相当于FBI在美国的地位。警察部队里面最牛的。
        • Why not local police? Do you you need special phone number to reach RCMP? or just dial 911? I never heard report car stealing to FBI in US.
          • RCMP
            加拿大的警察只有两类, 分别是RCMP 和CITY POLICE, 一般的刑事案件都是RCMP负责的, CITY POLICE 只管本地区的小案子,跨市的案子都要RCMP处理,而一般的案子都是跨地区的,象我的车在BURNABY被偷, 而在COQUITLIM 被找到,虽然相距不是很远。而CITY POLICE 印象中只是上街查查酒后开车。每个地方都有RCMP,楼上把RCMP比做美国的FBI不是很妥当。大街上跑的警车绝大部分都有RCMP的标志。
            • OPP in Ontario
              • 感觉我们BC省和你们ONTARIO省就象2个国家一样,连警察都不同。
          • Policing in Canada...something you might want to know.
            RCMP's predecessor was NWMP (North-West Mounted Police), and was then awarded "Royal" title by King Edward VII of England in 1904. Later it was renamed as RCMP.

            RCMP is Canada's natinal police force, and also acts as provincial police, under contract, in all other provinces and territeries EXCEPT Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland, where they have their own police forces - the Ontario Provincial Police, La Surede du Quebec, and Roayl Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) respectively. RNC only provides policing to large cities of Newfoundland and Labrador, while RCMP polices all other communities in the province.

            That's why you have to report to RCMP for car thefts in BC, but to "local" police in Ontario.
            • Thanks, You are my teacher.
    • 哈哈,好玩!
    • 什么车啊?
      • 破车
    • 温哥华这么乱呀
      • 不, 是metrotown附件乱.
        • Metrotown 快成了 第2个CHINATOWN 了
    • do you have lock on your wheel (Fang1 Xiang4 Pan2)? I bought a wheel lock but feel no confident that it's secure.
      • What I want is my car be stolen and never be recovered. So why I use the wheel lock?