枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 【拉威尔作品系列之】钢琴协奏曲《夜之加斯帕》(Gaspard de la Nuit)。三首小曲的标题是:(1)水妖(Ondine)、(2)绞刑架(Le Gibet)、(3)斯卡博(Scarbo)。演奏:Werner Hass / Orchestre National de l'Opera de Monte-Carlo
拉威尔钢琴协奏曲《夜之加斯帕》(Gaspard de la Nuit)又译《夜之恶魔》或《夜之幽灵》,三首小曲的标题是:(1)水妖(Ondine)、(2)绞刑架(Le Gibet)、(3)斯卡博(Scarbo)。加斯帕是《圣经》所载前往利恒朝觐圣婴的东方三博士之一,但“夜之加斯帕”却是魔鬼撒旦的绰号。拉威尔此曲取材于法国诗人贝特朗的同名叙事诗。
"Gaspard of the Night, or, the treasurer of the night…creates allusions to someone in charge of all that is jewel-like, dark, mysterious, perhaps even morose."
Scarbo, with its repeated notes and two terrifying climaxes, is the transcendentally difficult movement out of the three. This movement gives an impression of the fiendish mischief committed by a ghostly imp during the night, fading in and out of vision while changing forms, which is portrayed in those difficult crescendos.