Well, in his case, it is something different, Celil was arrest in the 3rd country, not in China. if China recognized his Canadian citizenship, then he should be return to Canada instead of China.
Even if he is a son of bitch, he should be treated as a human being, no matter he is a chinese or canadian citizen.
He IS treated as a human being. Why do you assume NOT?
Being judged as a Chinese citizen means NOT HUMAN BEING? WTF is in your mind!
I will apologize if I misunderstood you, but could you explain your point of "he should be treated as a human being" first? Didn't you mean he is not treated as a human being?
Any human being in China that commits terrorism and murder would be put to death. Therefore he is no less of a human being any way. Harper should send diplomats to make sure he leaves a good looking dead body instead.
谁把他买出来的?还是他买通了监狱看管?他们自己人说他ESCAPED,用买来的假证件进入乌孜别克....... "He escaped after a month in prison, purchasing false documents to enter Uzbekistan, where he found work as a fabric salesman.