相对比的是在今年二月, UTAH的Sulejman Talovic持枪在MALL中随意杀人,他也是新移民,几分钟内就杀死了六人.但好在MALL不是禁枪区,一个下班的警察和他对射,他才没有杀更多的人. “禁枪”只不过是让人无法反抗迫害而已.
澳大利亚1996年开始禁枪,三年后,人民无法保卫自己. 犯罪率大升.两年后,武装抢劫上升了73%,
“Two years after the ban, there have been further increases in crime: armed robberies by 73 percent; unarmed robberies by 28 percent; kidnappings by 38 percent; assaults by 17 percent; manslaughter by 29 percent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
And consider the fact that over the previous 25-year period, Australia had shown a steady decrease both in homicide with firearms and armed robbery --- until the ban.”