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up, good reading...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛but I can't imagine selling US T bill/bond will be a good solution... US cut Feb rate to bail economy from the risk of recession, it will bring inflation rate higher... dropping US Dollar will also import inflation from other countries... selling bond will increase the LT bond yield level.. make it harder to business(and GOV) to borrow in the market, the selling of bond, in nutshell, neutralize the rate cut move by Fed and slow down the US economy... I don't see how US Dollar will benefit from a slowing down economy? same time, selling US bond will cause bond price drop, bondholders will suffer bigger losses as other players join the sale (every countries wish to sell the bond earlier before price drop too deep). For china economy, the last thing we want to see is US recession since US is the largest buyer of our export.

anyway, losses in foreign reserve is inevitable when US change their attitude toward exchange rate and start to tolerate weak US Dollar, this is the US's privilege as world currency and another good lesson for diversification. There are article talking about diversify foreign reserve into a more balanced basket including Euro, Japanese Yan, US, Gold... China sold too much gold and keep too much US dollar (one key reason is China believe US favor strong US Dollar, and US dollar is interest generating asset and Gold does not generate interest at all)...

is it too late? prevention is much easier than remedy...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / [转贴]《经济学家》:美国得需要两位数的通货通胀
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随着美联储以超预期幅度降息,投资者也该出售手中持有的美国国债了













      现在到了考验时刻:要么资产价格下跌,要么通胀加剧。对此,美联储已作出了明确的选择。其他中央银行也许会紧随其后。如果你持有纸币,那么就要小心了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • up, good reading...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛but I can't imagine selling US T bill/bond will be a good solution... US cut Feb rate to bail economy from the risk of recession, it will bring inflation rate higher... dropping US Dollar will also import inflation from other countries... selling bond will increase the LT bond yield level.. make it harder to business(and GOV) to borrow in the market, the selling of bond, in nutshell, neutralize the rate cut move by Fed and slow down the US economy... I don't see how US Dollar will benefit from a slowing down economy? same time, selling US bond will cause bond price drop, bondholders will suffer bigger losses as other players join the sale (every countries wish to sell the bond earlier before price drop too deep). For china economy, the last thing we want to see is US recession since US is the largest buyer of our export.

      anyway, losses in foreign reserve is inevitable when US change their attitude toward exchange rate and start to tolerate weak US Dollar, this is the US's privilege as world currency and another good lesson for diversification. There are article talking about diversify foreign reserve into a more balanced basket including Euro, Japanese Yan, US, Gold... China sold too much gold and keep too much US dollar (one key reason is China believe US favor strong US Dollar, and US dollar is interest generating asset and Gold does not generate interest at all)...

      is it too late? prevention is much easier than remedy...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 现在大举抛美国国债是不是晚了点?
      • 美国降息周期估计还会持续一段时间
        • 再这样下去, 美元总有崩溃的一天.
    • keep Canada assets. hope Canada can take advantage this opportunity to grow itself.
      • actually strong canadian dollar is not really good for canadian economy..
        strong currency is the reflection of our relative stronger economy than US, not a driver... strong canadian dollar hurt our export /manufacturing side..

        who know what will happen after US's president election... Hilary claimed that she favor strong USD if elected.. I kind of believe her... I don't believe that USD's weakness is the long-planned scheme to exploit other countries' hard-earn foreign reserve.. since the risk of doing that is too high... importing inflation from other countries.. and US could have done that long time ago should they want to.. US has this massive debt for decade and decade...

        the current weak dollar is just a result of housing crisis and following credit crunch...USD is a weak currency even without this rate cut.. I don't know what "USD collapse" mean...it won't happen, but it will remain weak until crisis this time is completed over... and US economy back on track again
    • 不懂这些经济上的东西,只不过人在美国,看不到周围工资要涨的迹象。如果工资不长,而且企业还在裁员(我在的公司就在逐渐把工厂挪到中国,印度,墨西哥),借贷又越来越难,靠什么来支撑通货膨胀?而且那些银行的利益怎么保障?难道他们愿意看到通货膨胀发生?
      • 工资不涨也会有通涨,

        美国每年要发大量的外债,简单的理解是,美国目前的生活水平要靠向外国借债维持的,时间长后,即使没有这次的危机,外债积累到一定程度, 美元终要下跌,美国国内的生活水平会下降,如同以前靠钱过好日子,现在人家要你还,你只能过得差点,先还钱再说
    • 文章写的还是有些道理,不过这个政策决定恐怕是bush吧,是他把预算搞的那么高。还有这个是economist上面的文章吗?
    • Professional enough and easy to read/understand...the best article I've ever read so far regarding the current economy and market.