Yahoo is the most populated website by the number of visitors, its services are unbelievably wonderful.
Yahoo email and Finance are unquestionably number 1.
Yahoo search in Asia is more heavily used than Google..
Perhaps you have never used It is much powerful than Google maps, for instance, you can pull a route with paid fee to alternative route without fee. Last Christmas I tried it for searching for a route to my friends.
The main problem of Yahoo! is due to its executives who have failed to take advantage of these resources. Just like a mall, a massively number of people come to see and use it, but it did not get what it should earn. Microsoft understood these advantages of Yahoo. I believe Microsoft will have to raise its bid to 35-40 $
Yahoo email and Finance are unquestionably number 1.
Yahoo search in Asia is more heavily used than Google..
Perhaps you have never used It is much powerful than Google maps, for instance, you can pull a route with paid fee to alternative route without fee. Last Christmas I tried it for searching for a route to my friends.
The main problem of Yahoo! is due to its executives who have failed to take advantage of these resources. Just like a mall, a massively number of people come to see and use it, but it did not get what it should earn. Microsoft understood these advantages of Yahoo. I believe Microsoft will have to raise its bid to 35-40 $