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You two are not really answering my question. Actually, you just proved my point that Harper pissed Chinese gov't not becasue for the good of the people but he knows that he will win VOTES.

Don't get me wrong. I am from Taiwan so I have no love for Chinese gov't, but I am a practical person. Look at the trade number between China and other countries and China with Canada. The latter basically stagnated. You can't say it has nothing to do with the relationship between China and Canada.
The best comparison is USA. Look at how many big banks and companies in US has fared well in China but very few Canada companies did well in China.
If Canadian companies have heavy trade with China, the biggest beneficor will be Chinese Canadian as the job market will be demanding more Chinese backgroud work force.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Some people admires Harper because he openly defies Chinese government and it is good for the Canadian? Can anyone tell me why it is good for Canadian to piss off Chinese govenment.
    • 我觉得一个人不隐瞒自己的观点,说到做到,尽管可能政治上幼稚,但是条汉子。。。。政治领袖么,首先得是个人吧。
      • wow,建议你去看看globeandmail的comments,有几个人认为哈巴不隐瞒自己的观点。他是政客而已!
    • 不是拍砖哈,个人觉得支持哈珀的人并不一定是反对中国政府,他们好像关心加拿大多过中国,因为他们的利益在这里。如果你选支持中国的人,别人也不会有什么意见,因为觉得你认为和中国的关系对你更重要。所谓的民主一定程度上是少数服从多数的选择。要不怎么办。
    • The Chinese government is what, God? Everyone has to worship them to survive? The only thing Harper did was speaking for China's human right issue and not attending the Olympics, so what?
      • 面子。:)
      • The Chinese gov't is god or not has nothing to do with me. People like you just proved my point that you supported Harper gov't not for logical reason. Thanks for your reply.
        So what? It will reflect on trade number then you will know what.
    • 我不以为多数加拿大人认同哈博的对华政策。CBC有个节目居然所有的嘉宾都对此有意见,反而CTV有个节目,很多中国人支持哈博的政策。
    • 很多专家都评论了,我也同意,HARPER是目前唯一有领导才能和气质的人,DION同学呢,还是到大学教学比较好,是一只温柔的鸽子,嘿嘿
    • You two are not really answering my question. Actually, you just proved my point that Harper pissed Chinese gov't not becasue for the good of the people but he knows that he will win VOTES.
      Don't get me wrong. I am from Taiwan so I have no love for Chinese gov't, but I am a practical person. Look at the trade number between China and other countries and China with Canada. The latter basically stagnated. You can't say it has nothing to do with the relationship between China and Canada.
      The best comparison is USA. Look at how many big banks and companies in US has fared well in China but very few Canada companies did well in China.
      If Canadian companies have heavy trade with China, the biggest beneficor will be Chinese Canadian as the job market will be demanding more Chinese backgroud work force.
      • Did you hear Obama talk? Trade deficit with China is killing millions of American jobs. Agree that some big companies may get some benefits due to imcreased trade.
        But thinking that this benefit will drip down to ordinary Canadian workers is naive at the best
        • 完全不同意,中美经济获利的美方,而不是中方,任何一个有经济头脑的政府首脑,都会做出同样的选择。断绝和中国的贸易往来只能无限提高国内的消费成本,造成通胀。
        • Typical election strategy. Whenever there is election, they will blame Chinese for stealing their job.
          I don't know why it is China's fault while Chinese people are will to work harder and North American has to depend on Union and screw their manufactuer.
          If you think Chinese is right, then you should agree to idiot Toronto councilor who said Chinese people work like dogs.
          • 因为他们知道就算中国不再是产业链的低端,也轮不到美国或者加拿大的工厂来做,资本会重新寻找最便宜的劳动力。所以既然中国还继续在做,当然拿中国说是。
          • 作为产业链的低端,中国没有更好的选择,人家不会主动地让出高端给你做,谁都想过上美国式的美好生活,事实是这个社会本来就是不公平的。力争上游始终要靠自己。国家如是,个人亦如是。
      • 我认为加拿大无论从实力或是从能力都无法挑战美国,这种情况下追随美国是有利于加拿大的。虽然也许加拿大人不承认,加拿大的经济地位确实只能是美国的附属。
      • Left-wing nationalism 在加拿大有很强的势力,加上加拿大人普遍好逸恶劳,因此产生不了象美国那样的超级资本市场。只能靠卖资源过日子。现在加拿大中国的经贸关系是正常的,没有任何阻碍。只是加拿大自身的实力太弱,没有竞争力而已。
        • 基本就是这样。
        • should be socialism
      • It is fundamentally wrong to believe that government can impact trade. For decades Taiwai government wanted companies to invest South Asia, not China Mailand. What is the result?
        And those who believe that Canada government can redirect trade from USA to China is day-dream.

        Canada companies are just small and concentrate on resource sector, unlike US corporations. No matter how leftist in Canada believe, in the near future, Canada will still trade with US much more than China.
        • It was a major failure in Taiwan. So you just prove that govenment can impact trade. Because of the false policy in Taiwan, the economy there is basically ruined. And you are telling me it is not because of the impact from govenment?
    • 批评中国政府并不是不尊重中国人民. 要将政府同人民两个概念区分开来.
      • 别把法轮功的那套拿到这里来说是。
    • 你认为是HARPER的意识形态出的问题? 实际上中国的问题更大?
      HARPER对中国厌恶是从王江山事件开始的。 HARPER刚上台, 要耍两把。 对美国耍(ARAR)美国人给了很大的面子, 把机密文件的看了。 对中国是踢到铁板了, 实际上按照中国自己的法律, 入了籍就丧失了中国国籍, 加拿大的理由是占先的。 中国政府来也不看重小国。
      • 对。中国实际上已经开始剧烈自我膨胀了,看不起加拿大这样的发达小国。既然你不给我面子,我们加拿大也没有必要给中国面子。在现在这个全球化的环境,小国肯定要依附大国生存发展,依附美国肯定更靠谱些。
        • Who does know future?
          • No one knows. That's gambling. Just like 海归不归。Hard to choose.
      • 肯定不是,加拿大的政党对于中国政府的态度和观感其实是差不多的。唯一的区别是自由党说了不做,保守党既说也做。加拿大为了中国人权问题一直有拨款和同北京交涉。保守党采用了强硬的手段。
        • "保守党采用了强硬的手段"... The problem is China does not care about what Canada says or does. So why does Canada has to head to head with China for no good reason.
          • 我不能够说他有做错,伤害是肯定免不了的。但是不足以影响加拿大的经济。中国和加拿大的进出口还是会继续,加拿大也没有什么特别的产品可以销往中国(如果加拿大的资源美国不再需要了)。
            • So what. Canada wins the tile of "No.1 China Offender" and China could not careless. What does that leave Canadian?
    • 和美国关系好,肯定比和中国关系好对加拿大有利。加拿大人少资源多,只能依赖领国。你去贴中国的屁股,人家还不一定领你的情。从加拿大的长远来说,和美国尽量保持一致。偶尔被美国当个枪使,也没有办法。小国有小国的生存之道。
      • Good with China is not contradicting with good with USA. You have some logic problem.
        • 已经说了,加拿大在中国的事情上就是唱黑脸,和美国保持一致,指责中国。很多人说加拿大是美国的“狗”,对了,就是这样。加拿大过分靠近中国,肯定会使美国不愉快。上面也提到了,实际上加拿大和中国的贸易渠道是通畅的。双方只是政治表面有矛盾而已,唱戏而已。
          • It's all in your head. Chinese cares about "FACE" the most. Harper slaps China with Tibet, Olympics and Chinese spy, China might not give a shit about Canada, but if China have Chance, Canada will eat shit.
            Why do you think all big countries has to give face to China this time? Because they know China loves "FACE". You give them face they give you real benefit.
    • 我个人认为是否投哈珀一票,不能只从他对华政策来决定。毕竟我们生活在这里,我从自身经历来看:他执政几年,是否使我的生活比在自由党执政时有提高呢?答案是否定的。他是否实施几年前他的许诺呢?
      善言辞,形象稍弱,但他对以善于领导和管理著称。我宁选有实力的PM, 而不会因形象投票,毕竟这不是选美。
      • Ok, I basically agree what you said. But I find it funny that you said "DION对以善于领导和管理著称". He can't even control his own party.
        • CONTROL 和 LEAD 是两个概念。允许不同的声音不代表他不能把这个国家的经济搞上去。目前的关键是经济,哈波搞经济的没辙,单纯依靠美国,而美国经济现在都是泥普萨过河。
      • same question of Dion
    • 哈伯批评中国政府,对加拿大人没什么好处,但也没有象自由党宣扬的那么大的害处: 中,美,加,三国,完全是2个超总量级选手和一个轻量级选手的关系, 加拿大对中国的一些言论和政策中国并不太在意(他们在意的是美国和欧盟);
      • 哈伯政府明显也不太在意中国,因为加拿大的长远国家利益在于回归以美国为首的西方世界传统战略, 而且加国坐拥巨量战略自然资源,不是非要卖给中国. 我们不要因为是华人而过高估计中国在加拿大政治的影响力.
        • 和美国大选不同, 加拿大大选就是选择本国政府和领导,美国大选选的不仅是国内政府,同时也是整个西方世界,乃至全球的领袖. 重要性大大不同.
        • So you are saying the importance of Chinese is about the same as a piece of shit. Ok. I think we should all go home and sleep.
          It's ok that Harper start accusing Chinese Spies and make up stories about Tibet we just sit there and do nothing because we are shit. GREAT.
          • No, I didn't say that. You said it :) 我认为哈伯的对华政策对加拿大这样一个纯国内大选没有太多关系, 不管你喜不喜欢这个政策,都不应主导你的投票意向. 在内政方面,个人认为哈伯及其保守党比左派群党强得多.