最近半年多听了很多收音机里的talk,有关美国大选的,共和党支持者所反对的民主党的主张,很大程度上集中在这一点。他们认为自由是这个国家给他们最好最珍贵的权力,不希望自己的血汗钱拿去给别人支配,更不希望拿去给那些对自己都不愿意take good care的人
In 2004, the bottom
95% of the taxfiler population
received 75% of income and paid
64% of taxes, while the top 5%
received 25% of income and paid
36% of taxes.11
支持你。不过对有些胡搅蛮缠的ID就不要浪费口舌了。如colourwolf(色狼); axe(Just A Joke);
If you do not belong that 5%, you actually benefit from the tax system and should not support conservative. Of course the government should use the tax money more efficiently, which is a different topic.
5% 我是没戏了,可是在95%里也有上有下呀。我觉减税好,钱拿在手里踏实。极端的情况:所有人把收入全部缴税然后平均分配 VS 一分钱税不交,自己生老病死 领本护照都1000大刀