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Dion does NOT know what to do with the current economic crisis when asked by CTV reporters!!!--YouTube Link inside

Sitting for a taped interview with Steve Murphy, the anchor for CTV Halifax, Mr. Dion had been asked: “If you were prime minister now, what would you have done about the economy and this crisis that Mr. Harper hasn't done?”

“If I had been prime minister two-and-a-half years ago?” Mr. Dion replied.

“If you were the prime minister right now,” Mr. Murphy explained.

Mr. Dion started talking about his 30-day action plan to tackle the crisis but had trouble enunciating and asked to start again. “I've been slow listening to your question.”

Mr. Murphy repeated the question. Mr. Dion asked: “If I was prime minister starting when? Today?”

At one point a Liberal aide came in to explain the question.

On the third try, Mr. Dion began explaining what he would do once elected, such as calling a prime minister's conference and investing in infrastructures and manufacturing.

The Liberals asked the network not to air the portion in which Mr. Dion appears confused, but CTV felt it was their responsibility to show it. That segment is already posted on YouTube.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Dion does NOT know what to do with the current economic crisis when asked by CTV reporters!!!--YouTube Link inside
    Sitting for a taped interview with Steve Murphy, the anchor for CTV Halifax, Mr. Dion had been asked: “If you were prime minister now, what would you have done about the economy and this crisis that Mr. Harper hasn't done?”

    “If I had been prime minister two-and-a-half years ago?” Mr. Dion replied.

    “If you were the prime minister right now,” Mr. Murphy explained.

    Mr. Dion started talking about his 30-day action plan to tackle the crisis but had trouble enunciating and asked to start again. “I've been slow listening to your question.”

    Mr. Murphy repeated the question. Mr. Dion asked: “If I was prime minister starting when? Today?”

    At one point a Liberal aide came in to explain the question.

    On the third try, Mr. Dion began explaining what he would do once elected, such as calling a prime minister's conference and investing in infrastructures and manufacturing.

    The Liberals asked the network not to air the portion in which Mr. Dion appears confused, but CTV felt it was their responsibility to show it. That segment is already posted on YouTube.

    • 记者有些不厚道。Dion的英语不好是一件众所周知的事情,但是没有必要利用这点去挖苦他。
      • Agreed
      • 这个记者可能是支持CP的,那他挖苦DION也就可以理解了。
        • 记者的职业就是抓新闻,并不一定需要政党倾向。从他提出的问题来看,他还是挺帮Dion的。这次记者算是出名了,虽然很不厚道。
          • 我觉得这也没有什么不厚道的,尤其从政治角度来谈。只有铁杆的自由党才会护着DION,其他的要么是反对派,要么是中间派。
      • 不仅仅是英语的问题,他对该如何处理经济问题根本没数。自由党攻击保守党无动于衷,现在问他如果是他管,该如何处理。敌安说,我...我...我是打酱油来的。
        • 布十英语说的好,结果又怎样?
          • 布什说话雷人是有名的,要不然美国晚间搞笑节目都没笑料了。
        • 记者问他的问题是相当简单的,这样的问题都听不懂还要说三编,最后还答的驴唇不对马嘴,可见其能力,草包一个。
      • 我的英语比Dion更烂,我都在问第一遍的时候听懂了问题,你别说Dion在反复几遍以后,甚至于在助手给他解释了以后还没听懂吧?如果他的英语真的是那么烂,就更没有资格当总理了。要我说,现在是选谁也不能选自由党啊。
        • Dion不明白英语是如何表达虚拟语气的。中国人在学英语的时候重视语法,所以我们能听懂记者的这个问题。Dion年轻的时候是魁独分子,自然不会好好地学习英语。Chrétien只是口音不好,其实他的英语是很不错的。
          • 即使他不明白were的用法,他难道不明白IF么?他难道不明白NOW么?而且这两个单词提问者都是重音强调的。你就别再羞辱他了。
            • 他或许觉得很奇怪:为什么前面用Were,后面又用Now。可能他感觉这两个词有冲突,于是陷入了思维混乱。。。。
          • 魁独分子不会好好地学习英语?他们只是不希望别人去学英语。要多挣钱,要搞政治,搞魁独,不学好英语能行?这个道理魁独自己是非常清楚的。
            • 一个有理想的年轻人可能没有想到政治是如此的肮脏。既然魁独不希望别人学英语,他自己就不学了。假如Dion从小就好好学英语,现在也不会闹出这样的笑话来。
              • 也不晚,可以到新东方跟老俞学两天。也作为中加友谊实质性的迈进。
              • 我也不知道DION为什么英语这么差。看看DUCEPPE,他的英语都比DION好很多。他可是魁独的头。
                • 还没明白?不是英语差,是真的没有答案,只好顾左右而言它或者争取时间找说辞。
                  • 我不是指这次回答记者提问。是一般性地说他英语太差。
      • 法语里面没有虚拟语态?那过去没有发生的假设怎么表达?法语不是语法更严谨吗?董法语的讲讲
      • 唉,真不是挖苦他了,如果英文不好,也抓紧练习一下,至少表达清楚了,他当党魁那么久了,还是那样。他的碳税计划最后我还是在付党魁解释的时候完全明白过来,简直是误事。嘿嘿,我还是要选自由党,没有办法了
        • 大部分都能凑合听明白吧,他有好多重音不对。中国领导人里口音重的也很多,毛主席在天安门城楼上庄严宣布什么什么的那段录音,我一直都没太听清楚。好在他们也不用辩论,不说话都行。
          • 嘿嘿,听起来累一些了,唉,如果我会法语久好了,嘿嘿
      • 同样的,法语不好的人也很难获得魁省选票。
    • Dion 快成了加拿大的 Palin了!
    • 这种英语水平,要是当选了,得开多少国内国际玩笑啊