you have to seal the hole at the deck
Great Job!!!! LD from Sicuan? BTW, go HD buy some wood protection paint. Otherwise in one or two years the wood will become dark. Just like the old deck in your picture. Also, remember to apply the paint every other year.
It is painful but your design and follower deserves better preservation.
BTW: 开花的郁金香种上了?
Thank you for your advice. Yes, I’ll. I was planning to paint my deck at this weekend. But the weather is not good. I have to wait when weather is good for painting the deck.
Thank you for your advice. Yes, I’ll. I was planning to paint my deck at this weekend. But the weather is not good. I have to wait when weather is good for painting the deck.
I’m not come from SiChuan. But I worked at ChengDu over 6 years and our family loved it so much. Don’t know when we can have chance to go back for visiting. Really miss it.
Yes, my tulips were blooming this spring. Not really well, but I’m still happy what I got.
See another post about my flowers.
BTW, could you tell me what's different between wood protection paint and wood stain? Do I need apply both of them?
I thought stain has color, while wood protector is clear. But better ask HD service to clearify.