和reader 的互动比较频繁. 我没有打击她的积极性. 每次他们寄来的信都厚厚的,我是没有那份耐心去读.后来真的寄来奖品了是一个小表一样的笔架,还有一或二本厚厚的合订装的reader的书.据闺女讲是送的. 后来我就开始收到bill要付多少钱. 我也摸不到头脑. 我说那你自己打电话去吧就说把奖品还给他们. 我当时在旁边听着. 电话打到一半女儿说他们不同意,必须付钱. 我有点不高兴的接过电话说, 你知道刚才和你说话的小孩多大吗? she is under 18. she just want to return it and you refuse to do it. Let me tell you she does have that kind of responsibility to pay your bill. You did not verify if the customer reach the legal age. What do you want to do? You have two choice get the things that you send to us or stop billing . 后来他让我女儿接电话. 女儿放下电话后告诉我说,他们不会再寄帐单来,寄来的书女儿可以留下做为礼物. 以后再没帐单来了.