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枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 23岁。。花一样的年纪。想不明白为何?
-4_fun(寻开心: 誓别三推);
There isn’t a second in which we wouldn’t freely give our lives in exchange for hers.” 可怜天下父母心。
人生就像马拉松 猝死的都是前半程选手 心脏不足与负担压力 到了后半程死不了了 想折腾也折腾不动了
"a series of crashes, in which Kelly broke her arm and suffered a concussion, had had a profound effect on her sister. “She couldn’t train as well as she used to,” Christine Catlin said. “She had really bad headaches and was sensitive to light" "亲眼见过脑震荡后遗症对人的折磨影响,24小时头痛,怕光,长期服用大剂量止疼药加重了忧郁症状。原本是IT大拿,因为一场车祸命运急转,连带个人和家庭。。。所以,对主贴里当事人的选择,我们只需一句RIP 足矣。