you have to seal the hole at the deck
Great Job!!!! LD from Sicuan? BTW, go HD buy some wood protection paint. Otherwise in one or two years the wood will become dark. Just like the old deck in your picture. Also, remember to apply the paint every other year.It is painful but your design and follower deserves better preservation.
BTW, could you tell me what's different between wood protection paint and wood stain? Do I need apply both of them?
I thought stain has color, while wood protector is clear. But better ask HD service to clearify.
可以呀。但是要收门票哦,:) Just Kidding. 我不住在多伦多,如果太远了,就不值得了。真来了你会失望的,一直在做DECK,没时间照料草坪,已经杂草丛生了。那会破坏你美好的想象的 :)如果你愿意,可以说说你院子的情况,帮你出出主意, 提些建议。We live in Mississauga. if you live close by, you can PM me.