The problem is ourselves! If we all care and stand up to vote against TTC or other government unions, do you think the politicians dare to say NO. But if we don't care and we don't go to vote and only union members go to vote.Then we screw ourselves!
Most of us don't like union but at the same time most people don't vote as well. Last time, there was only about 30% voters went to vote and most of them are union members. This is why our politicans are so favor of union.Union members are their boss because they got their votes from union members. And you are very right that in Toronto unions are very strong, so unless marjority of Torontoians come up to vote. We are hopeless.
I like your article "5609192" more beause it gave us a lot of useful internal information that we would have not way to know. Thanks again!
Is every TTC employee good and responsible? Why can we get rid of those who are lazy, impolite one? or those who works 6 hours and claim 8 hours salary? Do you think they cheat our money? Work 6 hours and get 8 hours paid!
ttc大多数员工确实不错。但是整个系统有问题,钱,leadership,工会,反正rider的experience就不是很好,很多时候员工只是个发泄的对象。看看这篇GM的文章,there has to be better way!
There are good employee in TTC, I have no doubt about it! But we want to get rid of those who are lazy and impolite. Why worry? Unless you are.....
A bunch of crap from top to bottom. TTC Chair Adam Giambrone admits having an affair with a 19yr student.
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
Should I believe you or manzhan? One of you did NOT tell the truth! Both of you said you were TTC worker!
According to mazhan, TTC driver can use up to $450 * 3 to buy shoes for their children every year.
It was also manzhan who said he would get 250% OT pay. So if you want to complain, please complain to manzhan who claimed to be a TTC driver.
"那些工龄长的人,每天干5-6小时,却给8小时的钱,如果你的活真是8小时的,那就会给你9-10个小时的钱." manzhan's own words. I didn't add or modify anything he said. I just cut and paste. Thank manzhan to provide all these inside information!
How about those hard working labour in Chinese supermarket and resturants? They have to pay their hard earn money to TTC so that TTC drivers can buy their kids 3 pairs of $450 worth shoes every year.
Well, if you go to TTC Trash Talk website, you would find yourself not alone. Some of the TTC drivers just don't care about their customers! They are fully supported by their union!
LZ: "TTC的福利实话说也就是一个正常水准" - can you please give us a full details list of all benefit and let those who work for prviate sector to decide if it is 一个正常水准.
Cut TTC employee salary by 33% and benefit by 50% and see how many of them would like to go back to school bus driver! I take TTC and I don't like their services.
Most of TTD employess can be categorized as GENERAL LABOUR, especially those drivers and ticket collectors, as there is no skills required other than you have to know how to drive / collect ticket. As a general labour,just as people work for a private cleaning company, they are seriously overpaid. Sadly, they don't realize this and just keep crying for more money and go on stikes when they don't get their ways. Compare to people who also are general labour and earn minimum wage, they really should realize how LUCY they are.
Not any 上市公司的大老板, only a rider of TTC pointing out a simple fact. If you can enlighten / educate the riders, including me, what requirements are MUST other than having to know how to drive to become a TTC driver, by all means, please do so.Maybe that will justify the ridiculous wages for the drivers / ticket collecters.
Please also tell me about the token collector. It is something 100% automated in most Asian countries.
The root problem here is: TTC can't justify the fact that their workers, especially those token takers are seriously overpaid...They keep saying how challenging their jobs are, the fact is there are many people are willing to take their jobs with less pay.
I hated TTC (and OPG, Hydro One, Garbage worker's union, ...) too -- but I have to say that this post does have its points.
I wonder if the number includes their benefits. Call your insurance agent and ask for a 100% covered medical / dental beneifts plus 3 pairs of $450 shoes a year for your children and see how much the insurance would cost.
I can not believe the avg salary alone can be 79026. That's totally not acceptable. So I went to check the line says the expense is 'wages, salaries and benefits' . If I remember it right, the average salary is around 40k according to media.
This ugly looking Bob Kinnear is the dirtiest of all. It appears that you are such an adore of him and one of the very few that appreciates his defiance to Torontonians. Call him D 吧. You will be rewarded.
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
Bob Kinnear is very ignorant. A true reflection of the people who elected him.
1. TTC涨票价的事与工会和一线员工没有关系. If there is no hike in fare, how did you get your annual pay increase of 2-3%? Thank you for insulting riders' intelligence. TTC should look withinto try to solve problems of funding first before crying for $$ from tax payers and holding riders hostage by going on stike. How many people are out of jobs in this economical environment? How many people are not getting any pay increase or having to take a pay cut to stay on current jobs? Despite the harship of almost all tax payers (riders) who pay the salary of TTC employees, riders have to pay more and more essentially every year but still have to endure the poor services provided by TTC.
用手机偷拍司机是一种很不道德的行为,这严重侵犯了司机的隐私权,影响了司机的工作,从而影响行车安全,必须停止. 现在如果你还去拍司机,结果就是这样:你被要求立既离开车辆,如你不走,车辆将OUT OF SERVICE,如你与司机有肢体冲突,你将被移送司法机关处理.Sounds like TTC is a gang that is not touchable.
现在想拍照的乘客太多了,干脆整个TTC都out of service,让私企承包公车线。
That's because personal income levels in both the U.S cities are lower than that of Toronto. 哈哈哈
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
How many of us have 全家牙医,全家药费100%报销.新司机每年三周带薪年假,工龄长的5周.and 250% Over Time? 鞋通过保险公司订制,刚订做了靴子,450/双,全报销,全家人都可免费订做,小孩一年可做3双,因为孩子的脚长得快呀,人家为咱想得真周到
Free ride of TTC, RRSP match, and much much more. A bunch of spoilers. Waste of our taxpayers money.
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);
I hope you can come to vote in coming October.