时间: 两天
长度: 每天15-17km
适合: 有backpack经验, 或无backpack经验,但 regular work out,体力较佳者
天气: Sunny , highest 26-28 on Sat & Sun.
If you're interested, send the following info to dennisxu@gmail.com.
1. Name
2. Sex (m/f)
3. backpack experiences (1 day, 5 days, > 10 days), or car camping exepriences (1 time, 5 times, >10times)
4. Email address
5. Phone number
6. Car pool offered or req'd. If you can offer car pool, your driver's license (G2/G), make/year model of your vehicle.
7. where you live, eg sheppard/don mills @ scarborough
长度: 每天15-17km
适合: 有backpack经验, 或无backpack经验,但 regular work out,体力较佳者
天气: Sunny , highest 26-28 on Sat & Sun.
If you're interested, send the following info to dennisxu@gmail.com.
1. Name
2. Sex (m/f)
3. backpack experiences (1 day, 5 days, > 10 days), or car camping exepriences (1 time, 5 times, >10times)
4. Email address
5. Phone number
6. Car pool offered or req'd. If you can offer car pool, your driver's license (G2/G), make/year model of your vehicle.
7. where you live, eg sheppard/don mills @ scarborough