Don't mix sports with politics. A lot of much smaller countries have hosted successful Olympics, no one made such a big deal of it like China does.
有点不明白了, Don't mix sports with politics 倒底是用来指责中国办奥运的方式.还是中国用来辩护别人的指责? 好象用在哪边都可以啊.
no one made such a big deal of it like China does. 这有什么不对吗?
Olympics is for friendship, freedom, sportsmanship. It's hosted by different countries, but belongs to the world.If a country tries to use this as an opportunity to tell the world that the nation, the race are more powerful and superior to others, to declare its rise as a new world power, this could be a dangerous sign. Especially if it's done by a government with very poor human right record, as we saw in Berlin 1936. I'd rather to see it hosted in a calmer, lower key fashion as all other nations did.
It does not matter any more. Facing the whole chaos we had experienced before Olympics started, just so proud of China - Strongest rising nation in the world.
Is China proud of you? or even care about you? Game is just a game, entertainment is just entertainment. Don't mix with politics or race thing.
Yes. you get out of here - agitators.