别作这样的比较。中国太需要这次奥运会了,才做赔本赚吆呵的买卖。太需要金牌了,才会不惜血本牺牲一大批人和钱。太需要面子了,才会做出这样那样的蠢事。路还很长,当“It's just a game",中国就真正是体育大国了。一百块金牌,并不比自己和家人的健康重要。
The medals won by the Russians and East German drop dramatically since they became democratic. One more reason for CCP to refuse any democratic changes.Pity those poor souls who still applause 'China's rise at the Olympics', while at the same time
their savings evaporate at the stock markets, and their basic rights and freedom are taken away.
政府以为办了奥运,拿了金牌或奖牌数第一就能改变很多事情。不管其初衷如何,我们身为中国出生的人都不知不觉地受“益”了,或者说有“面子”了,外国人见到我们的时候"客气"一些了。引号里的词是正面的意思,不排除有些外国人把它们当贬义用的可能。总之,one reaps what one sows。是好事是坏事,总会有事实来说明。