还真差不多,我以前实习的医院。18/hour for new cleaner position.前两天去了个中介,想先找个这样的,或者psw先干着个part-time。结果,中借只付12/hour for on call hospital psw position. 没办法,先干着吧。
i saw it too. It seemed like they were hired by an agency. no communication with the patient, really just sitting there.
One black girl do one part time job in normal term, do two jobs in summer. She got a car accident and got a certificate of disable for muscle weakness, so sad.
是可以上班的. 当时我们班32人, 30人hired as student nurse. 另外2个, 还是人家不愿意上班, 硬是要等到毕业才开始.说I am going to spend the rest of my life doing this. Why do I have to start now? 说到辛苦不辛苦, 主要看你在什么地方上班, 那个unti culture如何. 一般来说, student nurse 都得夹着尾巴做人的.