Admit of being a coward, timid and scared, why are you BUSHITING " 记住加军在阿富汗战斗和牺牲的意义"? How could you use "自己的生命來保護可憐的阿富汗人民"? Or simply stop SHITe.
-axe(Just A Joke);
Another Canadian soldier killed in fiery suicide attack as convoy returns to Kandahar. I wonder why calgarian(ThanksFlames) doesn't go there but only BUSHIT "记住加军在阿富汗战斗和牺牲的意义"?
-axe(Just A Joke);
A list of the Canadians killed in Afghanistan since 2002. More than 2/3 died since HABA came in power this year. Why is calgarian(ThanksFlames) not on the list?
-axe(Just A Joke);
In that logic, most Rolians should be killed too... we are either living in Canada or US, we are the enemy, we are the target..... including you.