"他们都表示,这一捐款的呼吁与安钢在国内的亲人无关,并不是安钢国内亲人的要求". I will definitely NOT donate even one cent, because I respect 安钢在国内的亲人 for whatever decision they have made. Please , just please return them PEACE OF MIND.
Definitely, I just feel that 安钢's poor mother and child just got abused, and used as a tool to get fame for abusers themselves.
"get fame" ? 现在就是这样,有人出来做事情就就有人说他们是想get fame。我很佩服他们,他们get fame or not,我无所谓。但是要是没有人站出来,老人小孩都在国内,这件事情就完全无人理睬了
My last reply to you. I will shut my ears and eyes, and not read you guys' stuff any more. Again, I will NOT donate anything, and I will let my friends know, and suggest that they do NOT donate anything as well. Bye.
good for you, please do so. 没有人要求你,强迫你做什么,我自己也就是关心一下这件事情的起落而已。
I start to get disgusted by those SO-CALLED 作为安钢在国内的家人的委托人. If you guys do not keep your mouths SHUT, you will push people closer and closer to 安钢's estranged wife. Just give us a break.
My last reply to you, and I hated 安钢's wife in the first place, but now, BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS, I start to feel sorry for her. What a great thing you guys are doing. The end. What a silly bunch of pushers.
Again, I believe there will be more and more readers like me, who get pushed AWAY from 安钢 and his family and TOWARDs 安钢's estranged wife. Wait and see what a GREAT job you guys have been doing.
hehe, I have already warned you in the very beginning
Thanks, and I just feel so sad that 安钢 cannot get peace of mind even though he has passed away quite a while ago.
I disagree with you, instead, 这说明 that some readers are so blind at the fact that they might be emotionally abused by those SO-CALLED NICE people.
Please read this at #3533556. An Gang's child, even his ex-wife can get money from the insurance, even though they are not designated beneficiaries of the insurance. You guys need to find a lawyer as soon as possible. God bless.
I am very positive that An Gang's child and even his ex-wife CAN WIN. Another thing that is not in favour of his current wife is that the wife is willingly seperated from him at the time of his death.
No, it's not 他同居的女朋友, but his common law wife that had been directly designated by the husband in document as the beneficiary . In An Gang's case, An Gang DID NOT designate his current wife as the beneficiary,