They are well-prepared, as far as we can see. BTW, how do you tell one's religion, by name only? They are MPs thus it is their job to listen.
Anyone who are involved in this regard are not kids.
他说M103已经通过了“The House of Commons passed a motion“,为何Feb16还要debate?
他这句isn’t a law就是废话,如果是law了我们写信给他还有啥用?他还隐藏了一个词吧?isn’t a law, for now。他敢说will never be a law 吗?这种无理取闹的motion本来就不应该通过。
我觉得他自己在misleading,明明要dabate要vote他却说passed了。他一再强调不是law,没有法律效力,不会成为law大家就不会去反对了。他说“The writer of this email is deliberately misleading the readers. ” 别有用心。看来他是要支持M103 的。MP也分2派,双方都想用自己的方式获胜
一个mp回的:... I think that freedom of speech is extremely important,though I previously stated very clearly that the actions of a few should not tarnish whole communities in Canada. Sharia Law has not, is not, and will never be compatible with our common law system in place in Canada. Laws against hate crimes are already in place in Canada and so there is no need for further legislation. That being said, I do believe that all religions deserve our respect as freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Charter of Rights (alongside freedom of speech and others).
收到议员的回复邮件我建议还是要再简短回复并感谢一下,要不他们会觉得我们只是群发邮件的机器,没有诚意。我是这样回的:Dear Deepak,thank you so much for your time and your prompt reply! I absolutely agree with you, "Laws against hate crimes are already in place in Canada and so there is no need for further legislation". Thanks again for helping us to guard the "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication" which is the fundamental freedoms of Canadians, as stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Yours sincerely,
Great job!
是的,一个议员能逐个回信,应该感谢。我回信客气了两句:Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for your reply! You have reaffirmed my faith in our government upholding the freedom of speech, just as upholding the freedom of all religions.