So your goal had been to travel to places you dreamed about. Now that the most part of it has been "actualized". What's next? The goal is to find a new goal? :) How'bout settle down and start to contribute again?Live a normal family life and grow some new human beings is one way to do it. And to do well is harder than anyone would have expected.
Youasked what I want to say:)
I agree with you. That is even harder to raise kids and do well...but if I cannot have both, I choose the one I am doing. :-)
Being on the road is just a very specific goal. Following my heart is the ultimate goal I want to achieve. What after? I don't know yet, but I will know when the time comes.不要误解,我的意思不是否定其他生活方式。只是想说,我们应该把理想和现实结合起来,至少致力于结合起来。
:). 两篇还是E稿的大纲,转成可以见人的版再贴, 不过你的回答已很圆满:“Following my heart” 是“人与神的对话”篇,而 “ What after? I don't know yet, but I will know when the time comes” 是“无路之路“篇。真佩服你的灵气
I am happy that you made peace with yourself. Also, I hope you have a peace with yourself for your whole life.make a peace with yourself is unique with "心境". we also may be effected and changed in different work, life environments. peace is a stand point and "心境" is balance of different work, life environments.
Very true. :-)
有时梦想是人类生存的希望, 真正的完美世界是不存在的, 你无法实现你的每一个梦想. 我觉得梦想和现实不是对立关系, 人类的幸福就是在不断地追求梦想中得以存在, 尽管有时明知这个梦想是不可求的.我同意你的观点, Let's do it. 很多人就这么做了, 但生活中有些事情往往是做了而不成功, 我觉得Let's pursue it更合适, 我们不仅需要做, 还要有做不成的心理准备. 但是不论怎样结果, pursue your dream 才能实现你的人生价值.
嗯,同意你的说法。不过我已经不以成败论我的选择和梦想,但学会了be realistic....and instead of wanting something beyond my reach, I treasure what I have. 共勉!:)
“ I have been struggling for over 30 years...until recently I made peace with myself...”, 这已是很难得的了,很多人,包括很多杰出的人,要花去一生来柔和这些分裂(们),多数人还不成功,你多少已是幸运儿。任凭若水三千,你已可随取一瓢饮。一滴水喝下去,原来是历经多少江河!(我拙言)
For me to live like you is really thrilling thing. I was very brave before (having a lot of adventure), but I changed as tender after I set up family. So far family is beyond all of my dreams, and it is worthy.
Yeah...people have different dreams at different stage of their life. I remember my dream before I came to Canada was to have a house with a swimming pool and a swing...May everybody's dreams come true!:-)
Thank you for so nice replying. And I like your characters as a mature beautiful rosewood smiling. Happiness live in your heart.
Thanks, I like your poems too. They are easy to read and very sweet.:-)