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工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问苹果的OS X到底和Unix是怎样的关系?请教:请问苹果的OS X到底和Unix是怎样的关系(本人对Unix基本不懂,苹果倒是天天用)?有那些实用的Unix命令能在OS X使用?感谢
OS X is a variation of UNIX ( or one kind of UNIX), on terminal of OSX, do: "cd /usr/bin"
and do "ls" ; it will list all the unix compatible command on OS X; However
the GUI one OS X is unique to apple
terminal: Last login: Mon Apr 18 06:30:45 on console Welcome to Darwin! You have new mail. You have new mail 什么意思?Terminal是做什么的? 另外X11是做什么的?Thanks.
OS X or unix e-mail system have received a mail from somewhere.. .most likelythe OS system crash or shutdown when your editer (vi etc) was still open..
just do:
"mail" on terminal
it will delete the mail you don't need. you can do "help" to get the command of mail to learn how to use unix mail client
terninal like Dos on MS windos. X11 is GUI server on UNIX alike OS, It likes WINDOWS graphic user interfae