Yes, swimming and walking are both safe and recommended for pregnant women. Both of my babies arrived exactly on due dates, and I swam laps up until the day before.
pro: 1) mother is more in control of her body and the birth progress 2) labor tends to be shorter 3) baby is more alert and more eager/capable to nurse 4) mother's recovery tends to be better (no back pain etc)
Congrats on the natural birth of your son! I have one girl and one son, both were unmedicated back labor home births.I like that with unmedicated birth the mother is more in control and children are more alert after they are born. Enjoy your son! You will realize more of your potential later on ..
right.Midwife in canada is primary care giver and they have more right than the midwives in states.for exmple,admit and discharge client,prescribe part of medication....
人说好了伤疤忘了疼,没想到忘的那么快。第二天我就和助产士说,I am ready for the second one. Next time I will be able to manage better:) 老公说别的都好说,唯独不想看我再经历同样的痛苦。陪伴的家人其实也很不容易:)
握手.当妈妈真不容易呵! 我也没有打麻药,不是不想,是医生不给. 在我疼的死去活来时,只想让老公拿个棰子给我当头一棒,敲晕了得了.现在想来,当时阵痛来时候, 应该大声惨叫. 当时还是太矜持了, 开6指时还忙着纠正护士把我的last name叫成first name. 难怪护士阿姨说"you look good. you can do it without epidural"...
Totally agree "生,只是一时的痛,养,是一辈子的commitment." I didn't use epidure for my 2 kids. It's great to experience the nature birth.