i want read...
are you implying there is no difference between vulgar and elegant, between a hooker and a classy woman? if you have watched the movie Dangerous Liaisons (1988)you will understand why men are eternally obsessed with the so called "men sao" women.
let me know if you cannot find the movie. I can buy one and ship it to you. it is my favorite movie and one of the movies that tells the true story about MAN and WOMAN -- a classical predecessor of "Lust, Caution".
Can i borrow?
sure. hope you will enjoy it.
我更喜欢她的纯真年代(age of innocence),米雪菲佛就喜欢演这种暗自娇娆开至荼靡的角色。其实色戒里汤维的表达还是相当光天化日的,快活林里捉伊人,痛快宣泄的紧,不能算闷的。要说闷骚,该像《花样年华》,张曼玉迂回婉转至无声,末了只是Quisas, Quisas, Quisas的嗟叹。或是《迷失东京》,斯嘉丽万语千言,告别时却化作淡淡一句无声耳语。
王家卫用的音乐,把华丽颓废世界末日的狂欢用到极致。因为这首 I am in the mood for love从此爱上Brian Ferry
I meant what I said. 绝对没有弦外之音。谢谢你的电影,年轻时,我喜欢看红,白,蓝,重庆森林,暗恋桃花源,新桥恋人这些电影。近年,关于两性题材的,我认为很值得一看再看的是closer。好音乐,好故事:爱人间的诚实有时只是为了报复,谎言未必不是真爱。很有意思的。
it is a good movie. great cast. I did not know about this movie. got it on blue-ray for free with my blue-ray dvd player. glad I did it.
How much is your Blu_ray player?
I got Sony BDP-S1. the list price was $1299 or so. I got it on clearance for $800.
the newer one is much better. BDP-S2000ES for $1299.
Very good deal! Hope you can enjoy this movie and the music: "Can't take my eyes off you"
it was a good deal. however, I wish I had waited a few more months. Sony just introduced BDP-S2000ES to the market. it is their high-end model. listed at $1299 it is definitely moreexpensive than their regular line. but the build quality is much better.
Why did not buy S300 or S500?
I am a big fan of Sony electronics, especially their ES line. BDP-S1 is Sony's first blu-ray disc player, it has better crafsmanship and build quality,although functionally if may not as good as the s500 or s300.
I have a habit of buying the flagship player of each generation of Sony DVD players. I have their DVP-S7000, DVP9000ES, DVP-S9100, and BDP-S1.
Talking about movies, if you like "Closure", which i do too, you may want to watch "Breaking and Entering" as well, if not yet.
I did watch it.
it is indeed a good movie.
阿飞正传也在我的list上面。好像这是王家卫喜欢的题材之一:不停的飞,不停的逐梦,一直是“在路上”的状态,一旦停下来,不是心死就是梦碎。但是一直打动我的是这些平实的作品:阿甘,辛得勒名单,crash, Catch me if you can
Irreversible, kissed are also worthwhile seeing, both tell story in an abnormal way.
Those who abhor 闷骚型 girls are usually lack of patience and love quick fix.... They are in a way 闷骚 themselves. Because if they are not, they won't have found 闷骚 being so challenging... (Just a peer review by a 闷骚 xing man)
Tang Wei in "Lust, Caution" is just the epitome of "men sao". to put her side by side with Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li will illustrate the meaning of "men sao".
若即若离.. ur lack of confidence? u've not had enough fun in ur childhood of playing 若即若离 with ur little gf?
-adashofstyle(keep it);
man somehow is like animal.. if he has desire for a girl, he likes her at that moment; as long as the girl keeps the attraction, she will have this man for sure
-adashofstyle(keep it);
闷骚型似乎比"象鸡的良家妇女"更含蓄。尽管我觉得良家妇女象鸡也非常有魅力, reminds me of Carrie first met Mr. Big.