我看最不正常的就是你了. 把所有父母都假设为虐待儿童的非正常人类.
-zhayan(ram sam sam);
Education is the key, without proper education, you won't have the acknowledgement you need; without acknowledgement, what you think is right may not be right at all.How many people here really know what CAS is and they are doing? How many people here really know what happened to that Family? Did someone tell the mother the right thing to do when CAS took her child away? There are a lot of questions to ask, there are a lot areas need to be improved, you cannot just blame on the one thing for sure in this case.
这位妈妈的自杀有多种原因., 自身压力. 包括自己身体的不适, 而CAS是导火索把她逼到绝路. 如果哪个人把我小孩抢走而且不能接近, 没有一个真爱小孩的母亲能受得住.
-zhayan(ram sam sam);
Superb! Impressive! Just wondering can we have English version, let CAS read it or publish it on English newspaper .