you WOI77 are right. when you buy something that does not need service, the cheapest is the best if they are totally same. Otherwise, the cheapest may not cheap and may be the most expensive. because..
because you will pay extra heating gas bill for the rest of window life if they do not do it properly, and this is not a small amount, plus you suffer the comfort
Mark ---windows
Hi, could you please pm the infor for西华门窗? i am thinking to change my two doors.thanks
Would you please PM me the contact information (phone# of the salesman) of "西华门窗"? I am doing the quotation of windows as well. Thanks a lot.
换窗,一个是窗本身质量,一个是安装工艺。前者,如果买window city ,gentak(拼写有误)等著名的牌子,问题都不大,如果买自设工厂,厂家直销的,那么这样的产品就要打问号,是否符合标准,如果不符合节能标准的话,政府的rebate是肯定拿不到的。至于安装就看个人的选择。看安装工人的水平了。
I know Gentek window is much better then window city's. I have a friend is Gentek window distributor. He did my house and my neighbors houses. They have energy star and life warranty.