it is ok 这次的表演大部分都没有说演员是谁. but it is NOT ok to 说演员是 this guy but the truth is another guy. many people consider that as a lie. some might not though.
understood. that was why i said "some consider it was a lie, but some DO NOT", fair enough, right? but even you say it was not a lie, it was pretty close though, and very unneccessarily.
YAHOO的新闻上说,导演组当时只俩个孩子之间没能做出最后的决定。一个是PERFECT IN VOICE, 一个是PERFECT IN IMAGE,internal feelings, and expression。是一个政府高官视察了彩排后提出来there was a problem that we needed to fix it
she s a little girl and has lots of time to develop. At present, to learn fight for herself is more important to show her skills. Therefore, i prefer say no.
sort of agree with you. the kid would grow up in china and here we are reasoning things in a canadian (or western in general) way.... kind of misfit ...
Does it stand for no dream?。。。
-noproblem(。o O);
会的...告诉孩子幕后英雄也是英雄,且在妈妈眼里:你最美丽!........张谋人傻呀,现在是什么社会,还能有秘密.那点导演秘密天下人知道了,只有是能巧成拙~他以为真是在演电影呢.......话说两头:NOBODY IS PERFECT.总体来说,导成这样还是不容易D