It is also about a life style choice. I talked to someone at the M&A department of my company. He said one weekend he worked from 10am Saturday to 7am Monday morning straight. Got 4hr sleep. And went back to work on 11am.I will never accept such a job that will shorten my life expectancy.
他不是Quant的出生。但Quant做的很好。head of CIBC, Head of Macquarie North America, Head of Deutsche Bank 38岁,人很低调。但圈子里的人都认识他
Fundamental research 有时候要考虑的因素很多,向你说的有点Arts 而非pure science.甚至有时候个人感情因素,外加自己的分析出来象earning per share 不能和大街上其它分析师预计的太远都要考虑到。象Meredith Whitney这么敢于跳出来说实话的不多:)