you are really pain in someone's butt. But duplicate posts still could be cut according to rolia's policy. Do I sound like a moderator here?
hehe,little bit. Those three posts are on different "forum". They keep the forum separately,then we should be able to post separately:))))
strongly support! i don't care who is wong in this case, but if Rolia keeps going on his own "small circle" way, one day, people will leave it to a more healthy forum society.
建议网务公开:1。封IP/ID(死刑)要有公判大会,说明罪状,在站务区。2。封ID for nnday(死缓),通报批评,在站务区。3。删贴(严重警告),说明原因,传达到居委会,在帖子所在的小区。审判人的ID可以show给大家。刽子手的ID一定要保密。呼吁在五年后逐步建立巡回法庭。
are u kiding, the killer is not the decision maker, just execute the decision. Things changed because the decision is made. 有点儿跑题了。The better situation is, the system/policy makes the decision, the judge/operator just follow it.越说越远了。
there is a course called "politic science".
U'll always lonely, becuase u keep thinking, and think about something dufferent than others think. I may not agree, but I understand.
Frankly, I don't think about anything. It is so obvious.