He was "诚心找碴", everybody knows that. as a 旁观者, I use 旁光 一扫 and I found some people do not like Egg, so keep criticizing or teasing him on Highlander or 器材Pie. They're angry because EGG 我行我素.That's it
Let me see....oh, "设成死帖" is not delete. I found some "Fire Medicine Smell" in those posts. So Ban Zhu "设成死帖" to avoid deleting them.
AND, I remeber now. YOU DID NOT MENTION, sb posted some posts after chinatiger's post regarding to EGG's Family. That's absolutely not right. Those posts were deleted
Well, I am not 版主, whatever I think is not important. They have rules to follow and from what I see, they are following the rules not bad.
(#2199348), take it easy. See, I do not 批评 anybody often, so I got less deleted posts. People in the rivers and lakes........
first of all, whats wrong with 找碴 ? you never speak out diffrent opinion? second of all, if want to play fair, your post here is worse than 找碴, please don't do that again.
See, man, this is the truth "mention sb's 家教 is 骂人". I think so, and Tubie thinks so as well that\'s the reason he deleted his post. And now you get irritated cause you think it's 骂人 too. So........