The Rolia Forum encourages possitive and friendly discussion. Also you have agreed that 您同意论坛管理员对您的文帖进行相关的站务操作, 包括修改或删除等, 并不对此进行质疑. Thanks for your understanding, and happy surfing!
If you see any message violating the forum rules, please do not reply. Use the "report" feature directly to inform forum moderators. We'll take action ASAP.
Our moderators do not change the meaning of a sentence at all. Sometimes a post has two parts, each has a different meaning. While one part gets deleted, the other part is untouched and still keeps its original meaning.
您能把偶那贴子找出来让大家看看那儿不"positive and friendly"吗?请问说别人"物质,自我,装蒜和伪小资" 就是"positive and friendly"吗?偶不质疑rolia的规矩,质疑您的判断力。您要是就是喜欢看男人骂女人, 见不得女人还嘴的话, 应该另开一个论坛,偶坚决不质疑.
-022007(Party Animal);
The forum moderators have the sole discretion to determine what is accetable and what is not. Thanks for your understanding, and thanks for your expected respect to other forum users.
Nope, our moderator shall not change the meaning of each sentence. Sometimes only the un-acceptable sentences are deleted.