不仅门口,还有后院; 去年挂了,在门口, 不敢爬上房顶, 以后要请HANDYMAN挂上节能灯; DANCING studio at basement, inspiring library and cozy master room, my BLUEPRINT
-iceblake(美丽之家 - At Ease);
"个人认为大红、大紫、深蓝之类浓重的颜色不适合国人,两天就看腻了,不过老外喜欢。 " , why is that?
Nice. Quite difficult to find the right color(s) for the home, it could be because there're so many choices
- last Christmas, I hired a contractor and repainted my little townhouse - very overwhelmed by how many choices over there (and I was not sure what I wanted then). I think I could do a better job next time -^-
Love to see more articles on home decoration. Keep it up!