她真是因为这个原因失去奖像的?如果是,说明什么?说明用别人的才华为自己脸上贴金会"无缘最佳女主角评选",是有损名誉的。说明当时的评委是有基本道德标准的。而且,配音演员,动画制作人等好歹在结束时的字幕里出现名字吧,如果没有被暴光,谁知道这位姓扬的女孩?我下周要去大公司笔试了。可是考题还不会。你比我懂技术。你去替我考吧。考上了我去上班领工资福利,你哪来哪去。你还别不服,你不给我当枪使有的是人抢着当呢。我让你去是看的起你!hehe,what do you think?
Lip sync is OK. I am saddened to have children involved. This is one of our typical Chinses logic. One pretty girl doesn't necessarily make all chinese children cuter. All kids are cute. But thisspecial arrange does show that we Chinese are going extra length to make up something even it might go against majority's acceptance.